
What type of guns are you allowed in the US?

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Ive watched a quite a lot of videos and documentaries etc on TV and see that some civilians in America seem to have almost any weapon ever made, full auto weapons, sniper rifles, etc

Is this even legal in the US? as far as i was aware only handguns and shotguns could be obtained by a license or am i wrong?




  1. you cant have anything automatic

  2. In Texas, handguns, rifles, and shotguns require ID, federal background check, and cash. No license, no registration, no hassle. All can be completed in about 10 minutes, and you walk out of the store with your firearm the way God intended.

    "Sniper rifles" are not really a classification in America. There are a few, like the PSG1, that aren't allowed to be imported, but there's no law against them. Really, what would be the difference between these and a regular hunting rifle? Color, perhaps.

    As for full auto, that one is trickier, but a good citizen will have little trouble, assuming they are willing to take the time and expense to go through the proper channels.

    In most US states, however, you do need a license to carry your pistol around with you in daily life. Texas is like this. In most states these licenses are easy to get for law abiding citizens, and the state is required by law to give it to you.

  3. In the vast majority of U.S. states, the average citizen can purchase,  possess, and shoot handguns, shotguns and rifles whether they be manually operated or semi-automatic.

    Citizens with money to burn can also legally purchase, possess, and shoot fully automatic weapons, supressors (silencers), and destructive devices (Grenade launchers, Mortars, Cannon, etc)

    The reason I say citizens with money to burn, is that for full auto weapons and destructive devices a 200$ tax stamp and an extensive Federal background check is required for purchase.

    Beyond that Machine guns and D.D.'s are hideously expensive since new production of these items for civilian sale ended in May of 1986, and since then prices have skyrocketed. The cheapest of pre May '86 transferrable machine guns will cost you around 3500$. They are more of an investment than anything else.

    U.S. citizens may also own Short barreled rifles and sawed off shotguns, and other items classified as A.O.W.'s or "Any Other Weapons". This includes firearms disguised as pens, flashlights, canes and umbrellas. The process of buying one is similar to the process of buying a machine gun, with the extensive background check, but with these items, the tax stamp is a mere 5$.

    There are a minority of the 50 U.S. states that restrict the guns you can own there, but for the majority of U.S. citizens, there are no limits to the options available to them.

    Several of the above answerers have little or no idea what they are talking about. There are a lot of kids on here who don't have any idea what is legal and what isn't. For proof that machine guns and destructive devices can be purchased by most U.S. citizens, visit the following site. Not only do they sell machine guns, supressors, A.O.W.'s,  and destructive devices, they have a complete listing of U.S. machine gun,  A.O.W. and d.d. laws.

  4. If I didn't suspect you to be a terrorist, I'd say perhaps the onenurtrousers

  5. In my state we can own anything from 22 caliber pistols to class III NFA weapons, to include suppressors, SBR's, AOW's, Select fire or any combination of the above.

    We also allow Destructive Device weapons as well, to include field artillary pieces, anti aircraft cannons, MK 19 automatic grenade launchers, all sorts of interesting gadgets and gizmos.

    You have to meet certain qualifications and restrictions to own several of the above weapons.

    You have to pay an extra fee to own several of the above weapons.

    When the balloon goes up, iron sights and 30 calibre will rule the world.

  6. With a little federal oversight, every state sets their own laws. In my state, you are not permitted Class III weapons - no full auto.

    'Sniper rifles' are any rifle used by a sniper...from a Barrett .50 to a .22 single shot.So - we can enjoy handguns,rifles and shotguns;semi and full auto - if it's legal in your state.

  7. The types that dont go boom  

  8. The United States is a very gun friendly country. In general provided you have a clean record anyone can own pretty much any firearm they want and can afford. You may need a special stamp/background checks/permit for fully-automatic (manufactured prior to 1986), short barreled, or extremely large bore weapons, but if you have the money, a clean record, and are willing to jump through the hoops you can basically get anything you want (unless you live in California or a couple other states/cities run by anti-gun a******s).

    For most people (who aren't willing to jump through all the hoops) a clean record means you can buy rifles and shotguns provided they aren't fully automatic and have barrels at least 18 inches long for shotguns and 16 inches for rifles. For handguns its mainly they aren't fully automatic. Modern rifles must have a sporting purpose if they are .50 or larger. Blackpowder guns and shotguns are exempt from that requirement.

  9. it all depends on the permit you get. A Class 3 permit enables ownership of a machine gun.

    Other states' gun laws vary drastically. Some are downright communistic, notably California.  

  10. Legally anyone who is not a convicted felon, may own any weapon that is not capable of automatic fire. A self loading gun is legal in most states as long as the trigger must be activated for each round fired. I do not know the laws in every state, so there may variations.  Do not be deceived by documentaries and videos that show actors on movie sets. That is not the real US, anymore than all of Canada has polar bears and ice flows. And all of Israel is a desert nor is Saudi Arabia.  A sniper rifle is just a rifle that is very accurate and usually will fire only one round at a time.  Maybe some authority on marksmanship can tell if any sniper likes to use a full automatic weapon.  

  11. Depending on the state you live in, and if you have a criminal record or not, handguns, rifles, and shotguns are legal.  Background checks are done on everybody who wishes to purchase a firearm.  As for automatics, that requires a special permit.  

  12. Ok time to sort out fact from fantasy here you only have to fill out the proper paperwork to own handguns, shotguns and rifles including sniper rifles and most assault rifles that haven't recently been banned from imported. Fully automatic weapons aren't owned by the majority of Americans and do require a special permit called a class 3 weapons permit which costs quite a bit of money and there is a lot of paperwork involved so not many own them.  

  13. In America, you can own almost any firearm that isn't full automatic, and with regards to rifles and shotguns, the barrel has to be 18 inches or longer. As far as the licensing goes, I think only three or four states have that requirement for handguns. Every state has it's own gun laws with only a few federal requirements like: U.S. Citizenship, 18 years or older to buy a long gun and 21 or older to buy a pistol, No felonies, wants, warrants, domestic violence convictions, restraining orders, legal insanity or institutionalization's,  and no military dishonorable discharges or renouncing citizenship.  

  14. Just about any kind except full automatic. There are restrictions on what you can hunt with what, but for the most part the sky is the limit. In the USA letting our people keep and use guns is the final check in a system of checks and balances to keep our government from becoming something we don't want. The entire population can if need be stand up for ourselves, foreign or domestic threat matters not.

  15. Handguns, shotguns,and rifles. I think Arizona may still be legal for Class 3 firearms. And in Texas, we don't need no stinkin' license to own a gun.

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