
What type of hammy should i get?

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i really want a hammy and im allowed but i want to have the perfect type of breed....if you have a hammy could you please tell me why you choose it and why you like it so much and ect...maybe it could help me...thanks for your help:)




  1. I've had 2 syrian hamsters before (at seperate times!) and one was very friendly and loved to climb on me and one wasn't.

    I currently have 2 Winter white russian dwarf hamsters which I bought from the same litter and had to seperate cos they were fighting.

    If you are only allowed 1 hamster then I would encorourage you to get either 1 syrian OR 1 dwarf hamster. They apparently do live happily in pairs but mine fought and I had to spend an extra £30 quid to get another cage so they didn't kill each other.

    Don't believe the pet shop when they say they live happily in pairs. There are oodles of people on here that can tell you they fight and kill each other too. It could be a ploy to get you to pay more for two.

    Dwarf hamsters are also happy on their own as long as they get plenty of love, handling and have an interesting cage to play in. I have a Ferplast mini Duna plastic one for each of mine with plenty of toys. They come out daily for a check over and a play.

    I chose dwarfs this time round probably cos my last syrian was not friendly and that put me off her breed but my first syrian was. I think I just fancied something different and these fellas are lovely and massively friendly (to me if not to each other!).

    Good luck with your choices. It's very hard when you get to the pet shop to choose because of the stock of hamsters. I went in for 1 Chinese Dwarf and came out with 2 Winter White Russians!

  2. what do you mean by "perfect type of breed"?

  3. I once had an Albino Russian one. It was dead funny, looked like a little clown. Vicious little bugger though.

  4. syrian tend to be aggressiv emake sure you hold it wen ur at tha pet shop so u no if u like it or not x

  5. Dont get 2 russian ones in the same cage, no matter what anyone tells you, they WILL fight. get a syrian one, they are the friendliest, and i have never had one that bites before :)

  6. Its wonderful that you're getting a hamster, congratulations! :D

    So far, I've had dwarf hamsters (Campbells/Winter Whites), a fancy dwarf hamster, and Robovorskis (very incorrect spelling...)

    Dwarf Hamsters- I've had from 1 to 30 of these cuties in my possession at one point or another, and they are personally my favorite breed of hamster so far. They aren't the most intelligent hamsters, but they can be very loving. I was told that dwarf hamsters don't enjoy being handled, but after taming mine, they hated being in their cage, and would swarm at my hand to come out.

    Fancy Dwarf Hamsters- I had been under the impression that fancy dwarf hamsters were just regular dwarf hamsters, just with a prettier coat; boy was I wrong! These hamsters are friendly once you've tamed them, though they can be a bit stubborn in the beginning. My fancy dwarf hamster (RIP, Cerberus) was a handsome male, was very intelligent compared to my dwarf hamsters, and very friendly.

    Roborovski- I just recently had the pleasure of adopting three of these speedy hamsters, and well, my knowledge of hamsters was put to shame. These hamsters have wide personalities, and quick little paws. They have proven to me that they are not recommended for small children and inexperienced owners for a reason; they are more an observation pet, and if you don't have a quick hand, you could easily lose the tiny hammies. Mine (Cyanide, Anthrax and November) are incredibly different from one another, including their tolerance of touching ie., Cyanide enjoys being handled and touched, while November flees from a hand. Depending on the personality of the hamster, it may like to be handled, or it may not.

    Hope this helps :D

  7. well i have a snow white Russian hamster. I chose that hamster cause they were so cute and here is a pic ok   my hamsters love climing on your shirt and its so cute i have a little chubby one too hes so cute  and he is white and gray and the other one is black and white and gray so hope i helped ^_^  

  8. We use to have dwarf hamster. If you handle them they make really good pets. My daughter was 7 when she had hers and she loved it. They like being with other dwarfs though. They can get lonely. We had 2 females and they got along good.  The red eyed ones are usually meaner.

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