
What type of hamster is good for kids and likes to be kept in pairs?

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Well, my ten year old sister wants to buy a hamster, but we're planning on breeding it and, syrian hamsters seem a little too antisocial when it comes to making hamster friends. Otherwise, any information on how to breed syrian hammies??




  1. dwarf hamsters are cute, cheap, and easy to care for.  it would be easy  to house two together.

  2. Syrians or Russian Hamsters.

    Above is info on the breeding. This is a really good website!!!

    Hope this helped=) Good luck!


  4. well robo hamsters and dwarf hamsters lik 2 b kept in pairs but if u want 2 no mor bout ham hams just use this link its very helpful i stayed on 4 hrs. on end and its real kewl

  5. none...the only kind i know of is a Chinese Dwarf hamster. Hamsters are terrible for children. Your better off getting a Guinea Pig. Every hamster i've ever met bites. I work at Petsmart so trust me. Go with a Guinea Pig

  6. is a great site for hamsters.Go through every topic.If u look hard enough u will find "breeding" And yes syrians are territorial.They do not like to live in pairs.As for some dwarf breeds.They like to stay in groups.(roborovskis and some others) BUT they are less tame.syrians are the tamer ones.Dwarfs love to run around and play.And sometimes when you try to breed syrians the male and female will sometimes fight.And could mate up to 1 time a day!! but rarely.But u will have babies in no time if you breed.So the bottom line is there wont be a perfect match for your sister.

    Dwarfs:quicker,less tame,funner,smaller,less sociable.

    Syrians:just about as fun,more tame,bigger,slower then dwarfs,less breeds.

  7. I would go with siberian dwarf hamsters. They go extremely well together if they are both females or from the same litter. Great for a kid's first pet.

    Glad I could help! =)

  8. First of all, hamsters should never be kept in pairs.  They are solitary animals who need to be kept alone.  Don't breed hamsters.  They have more babies than you will know what to do with and the mom usually eats the babies.  Hamsters can be very temperament.  I have a fancy bear who is really friendly.  She is bigger and has never bitten me.

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