
What type of hamster should I get?

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  1. A rat. Because hamsters are evil little things that will bite you.

    No, in all seriousness, they are. In the wild, hamsters are solitary. They don't prefer companionship. If two hamsters are together, they will fight, and one may end up killing the other one.

    They also don't really like to be handled. If gotten from a young age they can be socialized and tamed, but most owners will tell you that their hamsters are pretty nip and bite.

    I always recomend rats instead. Rats are VERY intelligent, and VERY social! They love their people. Rats are also smarter then dogs, and can be trained to do many tricks, including coming to their name when called. I had a female that knew 17 tricks, including jumping through a hoop.

  2. It depends on what you're looking for.

    Syrian hamsters (also known as teddy bears, black bears, panda bears, goldens, dalmations, fancy, etc.) are the larger hamsters. They're easier to handle and more likely to want to play with you. They're better for cuddling and playing with. They, generally, are easier to tame than dwarf hamsters.

    Dwarf hamsters (ex. Winter Whites, Chinese, Roborovski) are smaller. They're harder to handle, and they're generally more for watching than actually playing with. They're not a good choice for young children because they move very fast. However, they can still be good pets and a better choice for older children-adults.

  3. Well it depends on what your looking for in personality.

    If you want a really sweet hampster, at any age, try a golden hampter, or a golden longhair. They are so sweet and great with all ages. they never bite, and they are so cuddly

    But, the smaller the hampter the more difficult the personality.

    Russain dwarfs are absolutely the cutest animl on the planet, but they arent very cuddly, unless you buy it as a baby and play with it every day so it knows you.

    so you choose, its either a less cute hampster who is low maintenese to make it love you, or a high matenence hampster who is adorable.

    have fun!

  4. ive had every hamster there is so..... if u want a cuddly fat and fuzzy hamster get a Syrian hamster its a beginners and like to be alone though the tend to bite more than others examples of a syrian hamster would be teddy bear hamster, panda bear ect. if u want a energic small hamster u can pair up with others u should get a dwarf hamster or a Robo (Roborovskii) i currently have a dwarf and yes the are a bit squirmy but they rock. syrian will knaw threw plastic cages i got my dwarf a habitrail ovo! ill give u the link! the cages r so pretty but at the same time they could go it can go in a boys room i would reall consider getting one { the water bottle leakes for the first week but its so worth it u can build different cages its like awsome please check out the website!careful with a syrian ham the might chew it  ( it also has info on hamsters) i had a mouse and u can teach them tricks but they stink to he heaven and p**p on u occasionally (all rodents do but mice do the most) gerbils are the opisite the NEVER NEVER p**p or pee on u the NEVER EVER stink but its hard to pick them up i have one i didnt train and hes squirmy and he chews anything i put a paper towel in his cage and it was gone within the hour i gave him a wheel he chewed it  anyway i could go on and on but anyway hoped it helped

  5. i think syrian hamsters(also known as teddy bear or golden hamsters) are the best. They are cuddely and come in all sorts of colors. Dwarf hamster arent that cute(in my opinion) they look like mice with out tails Also teddy bear hamsters are friendly(if they are not wild or sick) they dont ussaly bite unless they are sick, threatened, or really really afraid

  6. a teddy bear. they are big and easier to handle. dwarfs are cute but you cant cuddle them as much.

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