
What type of hamster should i get? And male or female?

by  |  earlier

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I want one that I can hold and pet without it biting me. I have a roborvski dwarf hamster. Is there anyway i can train him so i can pet him? But I want one that i can watch tv and hold.




  1. i have a male teddybear hamster and he's never bitten me. he's usually very calm with me and even my little sister, she's done some pretty weird things with him and he still hasn't bitten her.

    i had a dwarf hamster and he bit me every single time i put my hand in the cage, so from my experiance, teddybear's are nicer.

  2. i would say syrian hamstersid say male as they are less lively and more effectionate and the reason u cant pet ur robo is becasue they are naturally scitty

  3. I would say a female Teddy bear hamster.

  4. female teddy bear hamster

  5. I think you should get a female Teddy Bear hamster. My friend has one of those and they are soooooo nice. They are one of the nicest hamsters and they are a good size.

  6. Teddy bears are the friendliest in my experience.  

  7. No hamster is going to sit still, they're not that kind of pet unfortunately. However, for ease of handling, choose a Syrian as they are larger. Roborvskiis are very fast and small, which is what makes them harder to handle.

    I have a female Syrian and would recommend one to you, also. She has only bitten me once (and that was my fault) and she is generally very docile. They are a bit cleaner than males on average, also.

  8. i would suggest a female because even male hamsters can be mean at other males for coming in there cage i have made that mistake and i don't think you want to

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