
What type of hockey player are...

by  |  earlier

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what type of hockey player are you?... grinder? speedster? power foward? sniper?.. ..etc..




  1. I'm a Speedster and a sniper.

  2. snipe speedster but i play d cuz everyone else on my team sucks at d and i like to crank the big kids that think they can get by my cuz they are bigger than me

  3. snipper or power forward (depends wat kind of game)

  4. im a bender

  5. I am a defensive defense man. More of a grinder and shot blocker. I can also start the play quite nicely as well.  

  6. Me, personally I'm a Defensive Defenseman, kinda in the mold of Willie Mitchell. I play strong, tough defensive hockey, and rarely chip in offensively.

  7. speedster  

  8. i would like to think im a grinder but i think im more of a sniper. i like to get in peoples faces and agitate them, but i still think i have a wicked shot too, not to mention i'm an amazing passer, it's like i have eyes in the back of my head sometimes. i dunno i hate gloating, but it's true lol, i enjoy making no look or behind the back passes.

  9. I don't know!!!!   :(  :(  :(

  10. When I played, I was a stay-home defenseman, paired with my team's best offensive D-man. Had to break up the odd-man rushes, penalty killing, laying down to block shots, defend the goalie,etc.

  11. goaltender

  12. Grinder but I am also a playmaker

  13. Being short - speed and just good on my feet was always my saving grace.  I could outskate the bigger kids.

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