
What type of homing do Mexicans live in?

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I need 1 of 2 answers: do most of them live in cities or rural villages? Please only choose 1 of these answers and I NEED A SOURCE. YOU MUST HAVE A SOURCE THAT I CAN ACTUALLY CHECK PLEASE. If anyone wants the best answer, you need to give an answer my question the way that i asked you to please. Thanks for all of your help!




  1. Wikipedia might tell you the proportion of population that's urban and rural. If not, just look at the INEGI website if you can speak spanish and you'll find reliable data on this subject.

    And no, 25% of Mexicans don't live in Mexico City, it's more like 20%. A lot of people overestimate the population claiming to be over 25 million, it's really less than 18 million inhabitants.

    Now, this is coming from the Reforma newspaper from whatever day (visit but you need a subscription to access anything and the site is 100% spanish), but they published an interesting read about the proportion of Municipios with more than 100,000 inhabitants.

    You'll be surprised to know that less than 2% of all the registered Municipios in Mexico are over 100,000, but the few that are usually have between several hundreds of thousands to several million inhabitants. (notice that in the Federal District state they refer the municipios there as delegaciones just in case you want to know).

    The municipio where I live in is one of the richest (if not the richest) and one of the most highly populated municipios in the entire country yet it isn't a really large piece of land. Officially it has 900,000 inhabitants though the population is probably over the 1 million mark.

    In close comparison Ecatepec is the municipio with the highest population for a single municipio in the country at over 1.5 million (yet it's far larger in size than my municipio).

    For another curious cultural fact, the municipio of Chimalhuacan is ridiculously tiny and at first sight it's population isn't the big deal but the place is so small that it's known as the most densely populated place in all of Latin America (dunno if Manhattan beats it though). It's so populated they have a hard time burying people because the cementeries are filled up.

    Now, as for the most of the municipios, most registered municipios in Mexico have less than 100 inhabitants. So, in that sense most municipios are poorly populated and in very few they are inhumanely populated.

    Yet still, I don't feel all that claustophobic when I think of where I live. At least there are parks and trees in the streets. Poor saps that live in Chalco, they've probably never seen a tree before.

  2. Hello.  I can't give you a website for this info.  I can give it to you from personal experience.  I have been to many places in Mexico.  It is just like the U.S.  More people are in the city than in Villages.  But, there are ALOT of villages.  I would say, from my experience, it is about equal.  But like I said, that's personal experiences.  I hope I helped....

  3. Cities

    In fact, 25% of the population lives in mexico city

  4. Even though Mexico is mostly made up of rural area, and villages the cities are extremly populated. My best advice is to check out the vikipedia dictionary and read threw their statistics. It is very interesting.

  5. Hi there: The INEGI is the official institute for statistics I found your answer in the link below. It shows "tamaño localidad" which means "inhabitants in the city" and it lists how many people live in different sizes cities. As you can see most people live in cities with 100,000 to 999,999 inhabitants.

  6. Mexico is a developing country. most residents live in or below the poverty level, it is common for Mexicans to build their own home usually from locally made bricks, cement and corrugated steel roofing, Mexico has an abundant supply of cement/concrete so these are readily available. the coastal cities in the gulf of Mexico are known for their white washed exterior walls, red tile roofs, and cobble stone streets. -blurey

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