
What type of horse is completely black?

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I'm going to get a horse and i was just wondering...........




  1. there are lots of breeds that are all black....dont buy something because its black...i have an appendix quarter thats black...not a speck of white on him....and i  have to keep him under a barn most of the time....he bleaches really easily....

  2. Friesian

  3. A stallion is an all black horse. Their CAN be a variety of assorted colors but they can also be found black.

  4. A lot of breeds of horses can come in ALL black.

    There is one horse that is always completely black, and all of them are all born and stay black their entire lives. They're expensive, and are favored in the dressage and occasionally the park horse ring. They're often used in medieval themed movies and festivals, and are also used for carriage pulling.

    They are sort of a mix between a sport horse and a draft horse, and they are called Fresian's. They are beautiful horses, if you're lucky you'll spendless than 50,000$ on a good one.  

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