
What type of houses should be built in flood prone areas?

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  1. house that can float on the water. It doesn't matter what kind of house you gonna build coz when the flood comes, everything would be wiped out. Easy way is move out of that area.

  2. Houses should be built with raised foundations that bring the living quarters above a reasonable flood level.  These may be stone, concrete or steel posts.  The overall effect should be an open structure only used for storage with walls that will be knocked away in the event of flooding so the water will not apply excess force to the house above.

    This is approved by the federal agency involved in flood insurance.   Of course it means that long ramps or flights of stairs or an elevator must be installed to get to the living quarters - like living only on the second or third floor of a building.

  3. boathouses.......

  4. Houseboats and preferably ones with engines.

  5. Houses on stilts or high platforms

  6. Houses on stilts or some other raised platform are recommended or required for houses built in flood prone areas.

    In the United States, if you purchase a house that is in a flood zone, and your mortgage is backed by the US government, then you're required to purchase flood insurance.  However, if you are building a new house, and your mortgage is backed by the US government, and your build your house on stilts or raised in some way, you can get out of the insurance requirement.  In certain coastal areas, you're required by law to build houses on stilts.

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