
What type of infant formula is easy on the belly but doesn't contain sugar?

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I am breast feeding my 3 month old, but in the last few weeks I started to supplement 1-2 bottles of formula per day since I am back to work. It became too much to pump, store, and breastfeed. So I have gone from Enfamil Lipil (too harsh on his belly, was fussy and gassy) to Enfamil Gentlease (still a bit fussy and he didnt like it much) to now Similac Sensitive. Well, the Similac Sensitive seems to be doing great on his stomach, and he absolutely loves it and takes the whole bottle. The problem is, I noticed since I started giving it to him he will no longer nap (which is unusual for him). So I checked and the top two ingredients are corn syrup and sugar! So, now I am back out there searching... any ideas? I will not give him soy. Too much sugar in that, and I have also researched soy and it is too risky, I dont like the idea.




  1. Try Nestle Good Start w/ Natural cultures. I just looked at the ingredients and I don't see sugar.  Also, it has partially broken down proteins that make it easy for babies to digest.  My daughter loves it but every baby is different.

  2. I'm not sure what negative research you've read on soy but I wouldn't believe it personally.  I have four kids that had to be on soy because all the other formulas upset their stomach.  My three week old granddaughter is currently on soy (isomil).  It is something that seems to run in both sides of our family.  I was more concerned with the fact that my baby needed to be able to hold down their formula and be comfortable.  Happy baby equals happy parents.  

    All of my kids now drink regular milk--when they have it on cereal every now and then.  All four are healthy and have no weight problems.

    I know it's easy to get caught up in all the negative research in the media and on the net about just about everything these days.  Your baby is a individual.  What may not work for someone else may work for you.  Take all this research with a grain of salt. Talk with your pediatrician about it and maybe that can help you decide.

    Congratulations on your new little one!

  3. I was going to say Similac Sensitive. I think once the baby adjusts to this formula it will not keep him awake. I wouldn't change the formula if he's doing so well with it unless you really have to. Keep him on it for awhile longer and see if he starts to settle down for naps soon. I'm sure he will.  

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