
What type of insect bite could this be?

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So I woke up this morning and I had what seemed to be a red spot on my leg, and now has turned into an almost pimple-like bump and I'm positive its an insect bite. It sort of stings whenever I touch it.

I thought it was a mosquito bite but none of my bites have ever stung.

I am currently in St.Petersburg, Florida.

Any ideas to what it might be?




  1. It's most likely a spider bite. Possibly brown recluse. If it looks like a bull'seye, it's a brown recluse bite, which requires immediate medical attention.

    It might just be your body having an allergic reaction to the venom of the spider.

  2. A spider. I would go to the hospital, because the doctors could probbobly figure out if its poisonous or not.

  3. Don't be scared.  No need.  A number of insects or spiders can cause these symptoms.

    Take some Benedryl to help reduce the formation of histamines that can cause the swelling.  "Painful to the touch" is normal with insect bites and stings.  Take some acetaminophen.

    These things usually resolve in a day or two, or at least begin to get better.  Infection is a concern, so keep it clean and put some antibiotic ointment on it.

    As usual, if it gets worse, or fails to resolve in a day or two, then you might want to see a physician.

  4. furuncle ,

  5. When I get bitten by a fire ant I get the little pus-filled pimple looking splotch. If it's not spider, it might be ant.

  6. spider bite

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