
What type of jobs can an American citizen get at the US Embassy in Reykjavik Iceland...?

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With out prior training?




  1. None unless you have a visa to work in Iceland or are employed directly by the State Department as a US hire.

    Local hires are always locals.

  2. Mmm I guess easy and low-skilled desk job. Like assistant, receptionist, etc

    Why don't you contact them and see if they have a vacant?

  3. To work for an embassy, you must be employed by the US State Department. You must go through all of the hiring procedures for federal civil service.  Then, depending on the type of work you do (your education, background, training, experience), if they want you to work for an embassy or consulate overseas, they will assign you.

    If you are an American citizen living overseas, you must have the proper visa to work in that country, and they would have to have opening which required US citizenship as opposed to "local hire."  But anything requiring US citizenship is shipped out of the State Dept personnel.  Forget it!  Extremely unlikely!

    There is, however, one thing you might be able to do.  If you have excellent foreign language skills and can translate, you might be hired on a freelance basis as a translator. USIS sometimes did this when I was overseas. Pays well, but not a reliable steady income.

  4. Idk. U don't have to answer my q u know. I just like to bug u ;)

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