
What type of jobs can you get if you study law?

by  |  earlier

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thinking about studying law but I'm not sure of the jobs which i can get to do with law. can somebody name me them and explain what the job is about? do you have to go university to study law?




  1. I think you might be able to get a job with anything to do with courts and stuff. Even legal stuff in companies, think about your question its like if i was studying sports and asking what job can i get with studying sports, duh

  2. Study from home with the OPEN UNIVERSITY but I suggest you forget it if you need to ask this question in the first place blame the eduction system they have let you down ..

  3. There are the obvious choices such as law firm, and public service positions, but there are some not so obvious - military lawyer, research positions, house counsel to non law related corporations, and there are a variety of dual degree options.  There are doctors that are becoming lawyers as well and are then used as expert witnesses in medical cases.  Law Librarianship, FBI, there's lots of options.

    To have a law degree of any value, it should come from a school that is approved by the American Bar Association. Most are based at a university.  None of the correspondence or distance ed schools are ABA approved.  Most law schools have recruiters as well as career services offices.  If you are serious, call up a few and see what they offer.

  4. The problem is dear that people come on here asking how do I become a Lawyer, Doctor, Nuclear Scientist etc etc. If you have the education and the ability you would know how to go about finding out for yourself. For almost all professions you need a high standard of education and university degrees, the ability to do your own research and logical thinking.

  5. Hi,

    I work for a recruitment company.

    I would advise that you aproach legal companies direct and ask. It depends what level you are but you may need to ask for paralegal positions, I have know people to work a few a hours a week free toget the exp and then apply,

    Good luck.

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