
What type of kayak should i get?

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What type of kayak should I get?

I have never been kayaking before but want to start. I want one that will go down the french braud river but one not built for speed but for more free style. Is there one where you could get air in?





  1. Hi,

    Please head over the your local outfitter in Asheville--that would be Diamond Brand Outdoors.  Don't do any buying until you've been in a boat and know what you like. Go demo (try out) some different playboats.  Diamond Brand may have a demo day where they give you a little bit of instruction while you try different boats.  There are some key things to learn before you head out to the river.  My suggestion is to look for qualities you like in a boat and then head to Craigslist.  You can get a good starter boat and equipment here.  You'll need a paddle, sprayskirt, helmet (not an option), and pfd or lifevest. Play around on a lake, learn your wet exit and a roll, then paddle with people who know the river well!  There are roll clinics in AVL at the YMCA.  You may also want to consider instruction at a place like NOC or ERA (Bryson City).  It's easier to learn the correct way than to undo bad habits later. Happy paddling!

  2. Take a couple lessons before buying anything.  The paddling school should have several boats you can try.  After that you will have a good idea what to get.

  3. You're askin a bit much there aren't you? :)

    I'd advise you join a kayaking club. if you're into freestyle then they should have a lot of playboats available for you and they'll give you all the other gear aswell. they'll be able to bring you to all the local playspots and rivers aswell.

    in a few years you might be poppin trick like this

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