
What type of lawyer do I get to force payment of my inheritance?

by Guest33982  |  earlier

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What type of lawyer do I get to force payment of my inheritance?




  1. A probate lawyer.

    Assuming the person leaving you the inheritance is already dead.

  2. A thief!

  3. Any good personal lawyer should be able to help out on this.  One thing to note, just because it is in the will does not mean that you are going to get it.  If there are any debts on the estate then those will need to be paid for first.  Sometimes the debts are larger than the worth of the estate and the heirs get nothing from it.  The good news is that you cannot be forced to cover any debt left over from this unless you were somehow directly connected to the debt.

  4. You may not need an atty just yet.  It really depends on how long its been.  Most estates don't get settled for several years. {this is because they have to sell the property and dispose of the assets.}

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