
What type of lawyer should I contact?

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I'm having problems with a college I went to (Miami Jacobs Career College, in Ohio.)

I went for two years for an Associates degree in Applied Science of Medical Assisting.. At the end of our classes, we had to do a 160 hour externship. I did 70 hours of mine before I was asked by the officer manager how many blood draws I had. When I told her I had 10, she told me that was not enough, it wasn't okay, etc. etc. She was also a graduate of Miami Jacobs and she had to have 50... Well, NO. Our class had to have ten, that's IT. The next day, I was released. I was never found another job site to go to, they never helped me any further like promised, and now they're trying to say I "dropped out." Which, I didn't. The two females that were helping me there.....both resigned.

Help? I want to seek a lawyer, but I don't know what type of lawyer? Any ideas?




  1. personal injury lawyer.

    Note that personal injury is not limited to "physical" injury. You suffered monetary and other damages.

  2. You don't need to seek an attorney because you don't have a case.  If you went to school for the full two years and completed all your classes you would have your degree, what you did was not complete the last assignment which was the internship.  I would go back to the school and see if you can take the internship again.  When you did not show back up for the internship they just put you down dropping the class.   You should have immediately gone to the school and speak to the admissions counselor or the dean and explained the situation.  If you haven't already, that's what I would do if I were you.  Good Luck!

  3. The type of lawyer you need will depend on what your problem is.  You don't say what your problem is beyond something about the college saying that you dropped out.  What problem are you looking for help with?

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