
What type of lip piercing?

by Guest66747  |  earlier

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what type of lip piercing would look good on a guy?




  1. I'd really love to say snake bites, but everybody I see now-a-days seems to have snake bites; and unless you want to be "just another guy with snake bites", I'd go for something else.

    Maybe a labret, if you don't want it to really get in the way. But if you really don't care, I'd say get a bottom lip piercing on one of the two sides. It's actually pretty hot to kiss a guy with a lip piercing, because there's a jolt that seems to come from the cold metal.

    Just about any lip piercing would look s**y on a guy, though. It really depends on whether you want it out of the way, not that noticeable, or to stand out a lot.

    Go for it, though. That's hot.

  2. im 16 and i think "SNAKE BITES"

  3. any on the bottom. labret, snake bites, a single on the bottom. piercings are hot. :]

    good luck :]

  4. snake bites

    guys with snake bites r so HOT!!

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