My dog brought a lizard inside today. The poor thing is missing her tail, and has a puncture wound on her stomach. My dog had a vet appointment today, so I took the lizard with us. The lizard got 3 stitches, and I was told to keep her until everything is healed, then I can choose to release her or not. She will be in my care for 2 weeks, then I plan on releasing her. The vet had no idea what kind of lizard she is, and said he had never seen this type of lizard before. I live in Phoenix, Arizona, in the middle of a wash, so I get all types of lizards in my yard. She is very small, about an inch long, minus the tail of course. Light grey in color with small light blue dots on her back. She has a spiny tail, from what I can tell, red and black blotches under her chin, a little "beard" and a black dot on each of her "arm pits" I currently have 4 lizards, so I know a little about them. She is in a 20 gallon tank with 2 inches of sand that I got from outside, plenty of basking areas, and UVA basking light and a UVB also and an under tank heater for night time. She has eaten 3 crickets today, and likes to burrow in the sand. But for a majority of the day today, she has been basking on a piece of wood. She seems to be alert though. She c***s her head when I walk by, so she is aware of everything around her, but she isn't skittish. Am I doing everything I can for her? And does anyone know what kind of lizard she is? Thank you so much.