
What type of man is thought to be the oldest human-like form in existence?

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homo sapiens


Homo habilis




  1. Homo Habilis was the first of the Homo genus. But he wasn't fully erect in posture. I think Homo Erectus was probably the the first really human body, as they cant be told apart from a modern sapiens if the skull isn't present. Any later than that and it's really just following the cranial changes as it looses it brow ridges and gains a chin. Homo Afarensis is the last pre- modern human, they were practically identical to modern humans except for heavier skulls/brows.

  2. Well all of those are Hominids, and the only one "in existence" is H. sapiens, us.  However, if you mean the earliest to have existed the answer would be that the Australopithecus genus came before.

  3. In anthropological language, Homo sapien = Human being. So the answer to your question is Human being. All the rest were Apes in one form or another. who incidentally, have nought to do with humanity.

  4. Homo hablis is the oldest human (having the prefix homo). The others were essentially bipedal apes, or hominids if you wish. Homo, means man... therefore Homo hablis, Homo erectus, Homo neandertal and the offspring (homo sapien & others that evolved from them) were humans.

  5. Its the Australopithecus. But they aren't the oldest hominid form. Some precedes the Australopithecus.

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