
What type of martial art should I learn?

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I am really interested in Bagua, but there aren't any teacher where I live. I want a martial art that can let me hold my own in fights, but that's not the primary reason for learning it. I want something more to come out of it, if you understand that. I like Bagua because of it's evasive manuevers, and the ability to dodge attacks. I'm open to any suggestions. Oh by the way, I'm 13 years old and about 5'0. Thank you guys.




  1. Hey im 13 too.

    I took Aikido, Tae-kwon-do, Kung-Fu and Kick boxing.

    The best martial arts for me for dodging is either Aikido, Tae-kwon-do or Kung-Fu

    In Aikido You learn how to Defend yourself and how to dodge *best for Defense*

    In Kung-Fu you learn how to defend your self, Kung-fu is mostly mixed with all the martial arts including aikido. For me Kung-Fu was the best cuz i knew how to defend and offense by using my body and weapons. *TOTALLY THE BEST*

    In Tae-kwon-do you learn to offense yourself and not alot of defense.. *not soo good for defending*

  2. kung fu

    wing tsun

    zhen do kai

    mauy thai (to hold you own in a fight)


  3. Decide and commit. If you don't like it try another until you find what you want. With what you learn along the way you'll be able to take care of yourself. What's best is a matter of opinion, it's what's best for you.

  4. Find out what is available in your area.

    Sit in on some classes.

    Choose the one that looks most interesting TO YOU!

  5. If I were like most of these people I would recomend the style I take or what I have seen in the UFC, which is what most people who have never trained automaticly think of. The fact is that almost any martial art will teach you to move and evade attacks. The two main one's I can think of right now that don't are Kyokoshin and Mauy Thai. Both great styles but they are more a war of attrition.

    I could recomend Okinawin karate, because it has a heavy emphasis on Tai Sabaki(body shifting) which is essentially evading attacks while countering. I could point out that a good instructor in Okinawin karate will teach locks, throws, sweeps, chokes, take downs, and clinch fighting. I might point out that all of the kicks are kept extremly low, and there are no fancy techniques, because they were designed as   fighting/self defense styles.

    I am not going to tell you that is what you should take though. My advice is:

    1) Make a list of all of the schools and classes availible in your area.(that's the problem with people recomending styles, not everything is taught everywhere)

    2) Go here They have an excellent list on what to avoid and what to look for in a good school, regardless of style. You could also do a search on here, as there are many good questions and answers about finding a good school.

    3) Visit all of the schools/styles that have an interest to you and watch a few classes, and maybe even participate if they have free trial classes.

    4) Figure out which school is the best according to the list you have, and the questions you will ask of the instructor.

    High school wrestling is not a bad idea, and offers many benefits, such as conditioning, balance, take downs, take down defense, however realize that it will basicly not teach you how to finish a fight, or what to do if you are attacked by more then one person. Maybe unlikely yes, but it is just as unlikely that you will ever be attacked for no reason by a ground fighting expert, which seems to be the impression of most UFC nutbaggers now days. Whatever you choose train hard and good luck.

  6. Muay Thai or Taekwondo

  7. I would suggest taekwondo. The reason I suggest that is because it teaches you kicks, self discipline and you would for sure be able to hold your own in fights because of the quickness it teaches. It will also make you very flexible and you will be able to show off to all the chicks when you have a friend hold a board two feet above your head and you jump in the air and kick it in two pieces! It all depends on you man. Do what you want. No one can stop you. Remember that.

  8. Sambo!

  9. First suggestion, since you are about to start high school:  

    join the school wrestling team.  It's great training, it's convenient to get to, and it's free.  Stick through the first year, even if you suck.  Most guys on the team train during the season only.  After the first season is over, find two or three buddies to train with you in your backyard, and keep practicing for the rest of the year.  Even if you suck the first year, if you continue practicing for a year, you will have a leg up on the other guys, by the second year.

    As an adult martial artist, being on the high-school wrestling team is one experience I regret missing out on.

    Another suggestion:  

    Now is the best time for you to develop yourself physically.  Look for a school that focuses on physical conditioning, look for a boxing or kickboxing gym.  

    If you're a 13 year old boy, you've probably started to notice that 13 year old girls have b***s.  The 13 year old girls are starting to notice which guys have tight muscles and look good with their shirt off, and move with physical confidence.

    Wrestling and kickboxing are physically intensive training.  You will get more respect from your male peers, because you will move with physical confidence (and they know you can fight, so they won't pick on you).  And you will get a lot more attention from girls, because you move with physical confidence and look good with your shirt off.

    That's what I would do if I "knew back then what I know now."  

    Of course, if you don't feel drawn to wrestling or kickboxing, don't train it.   Look into it, but follow what you are drawn to.  The suggestions I made are based on logic and common sense (and personal experience), but follow what you have passion for.  The path I suggested above will help you navigate high school with strength and confidence and make you physically strong and healthy, (as well as attractive to girls).  But if you are passionately drawn to Bagua or Taichi, then that's your path.  Don't let anybody tell you it's the wrong path.

    Styles to look into that would be great for a person your age:


    Brazillian Ju-jitsu




    Whatever else they teach at an MMA gym


    Muay Thai (full contact sparring, excellent conditioning)

    Kyokushinkai Karate (full contact sparring)

    Tae kwon do (not my favorite, but good conditioning and good kicks, good for young people)

    When you're older (college or after), you should look into:

    Taichi chuan (also spelled Taijiquan), Chen or Yang style


    Wing Chun Kungfu

    Escrima (Philipino)

    Silat (Indonesian)

    Ryukyu Kempo (Okinawan)

    Don't go looking for the best style, go looking for the best teacher.

    You should start by finding out what's available to you.  What teachers and styles are available in your area?

    Use Google, use the Internet, make a list of styles that sound interesting.

    Then use wikipedia to learn more about those styles.

    Start visiting the teachers that interest you.

    Try one teacher, if they don't feel like quite the right fit, try the next one.

    If you follow your interest and your passion, you will find your path.

  10. The styles I take do more than let you hold your own. I only take styles that work. If you want to kill your opponents take Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (Real Ninjutsu). If you want to severally injure them take Brazilian Jujitsu or Kuntaw. If you want to knock them out take Tae Kwon Do or Muay Thai. If you want to break a few bones and knock them out take Hapkido. If you want to put them on the ground so you can get away take Aikido or Judo.  By the way, I'm 15 and 5'5''.

  11. Muay thai is the most effective striking art. But for all round combat worthiness you cannot go past Krav Maga

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