
What type of martial arts would be best for this situation?

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My wife is looking for something along the lines of learning for self defense and for a good work out. I have been boxing for 14 years but know nothing about martial arts, and she'll have nothing to do with boxing. She thinks it's a caveman sport lol. Anyway, she wants a good workout but also to learn how to defend herself if needed. She is 5'2" and in good shape but if i attacked her (6'3" 220lbs) she is screwed wether i have been boxing for 14 years or not. I want her to be able to defend herself against somone like me, not so much as to beat the ever lovin snot outta someone, but enough to where she could get away safely. Could you please explain the difference/pros/cons between some of the more popular fighting styles please, or make a recommendation to this type of situation? Thanks in advance.




  1. I've looked at alot of the other arts suggested and I only see one problem. Most of the time there isn't a Kempo school unless your in a big city. Brazilian jiu jitsu is very effective escpecially if the person tries to grab her and control her. It includes joint locks, chokes and escapes. Im about 190lbs with about a year experience and I just got choked out by a 115lb guy with 8 years experience. A little embarressing but hey it works. The most important thing with any art is to train consistantly for a long time. Try all different academies and make your pick. Most places will let you take a couple free classes. Heres a sample video:

  2. Japanese Ju Jitsu.

    No caveman stuff there, but she will learn a lot of:

    "Come along little boy" moves for when you dawdle around the gym too long!

  3. Krav Maga:  Teaches lots of vital attacks and ground defense.

    Still against someone who is 4 times as strong, she needs to know how to run fast (which is a great way of staying in shape) and use a weapon.

  4. for a more of a workout but less self defense  kickboxing or tkd

    but if you want more self defense but less work out Muay thai or wing chun

    you still going to get a really good work out and self defense skill what ever you choose

  5. Depends what is in your area. Watch classes to see if they contain the exersizes you want. I personally recommend somthing along the lines of kickboxing. That's what I do. Alot of kickboxing places seem to focus on cardio fitness more than other martial arts.

  6. Krav Maga... it's a realistic self defense art used by the Israeli military but is becoming bigger and bigger in the US. It as a pure hurt your attacker as fast and badly as possible style. Watch the movie Enough with J. Lo.. lol.. it's Hollywood but still a good example... Google it to find a school in your area...

  7. I have always been partial to Aikido. While never being instructed in this martial art, I do greatly respect it. Check out these two links for more info...

  8. well you said you dont want her to "beat the ever lovin snot outta someone" so krav maga and mauy thai probs isnt the best martial art for her. if she wants a work out Tae Kwon do kick boxing or capoeira(capoeira recomended this is a really good work out and a lot of fun not so much self defence tho). if she wants to learn some really good self defence i recomend kung fu or wing tsun both of these can be a good work out if you train with a good instructor.

  9. Well, in all honesty and not to brag or promote, Wing Chun sounds perfect for her, it was a martial art created by a girl to defeat the bigger guys and it has been used for about 3-4 centuries. It emphasizes close-distance trapping and is very effective especially if you go to the right school. It's a traditional martial art but it's been proven extremely effective.

    You can also try Krav Maga, israeli street defense for the average person.

    Philipino Arnis/Escrima, Used against the Spanish when the philippines were being invaded, it mostly emphasizes weapon defense and offense with some open hand techniques.

    In my past experience, also Kempo Karate is pretty effective.

    But all these depend on the school you train in, it can be very effective yet little to no effect depending on the instructor, overall you have to be patient!

    Do you live near the orange county area? I go to one of the 2 best Wing Chun schools in California and trust me, you wont regret it!

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