
What type of medical history questions do I need to ask my baby's father?

by Guest33166  |  earlier

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My baby's father is not interested in being a part of my life or the baby's life. I am currently 7 weeks and will be seeing him tonight to go over the few questions I do have from my doctor. I would like this to be the last time I have to deal with him until the baby is born, because it upsets me very much to see him, talk to him, and even think about him. I know I need more information than the few basic questions on my doctor's list, though. Can anyone tell me what type of medical information I should get from him, so I hopefully do not have to talk to him again the rest of my pregnancy?




  1. You need to know about his genetic history, if anyone had any birth defects and who they were.

  2. Just get the full history if you can. You need to find out about his parents grandparents etc.... Make sure you get a list of everything medically wrong in there family. Thats really the only important thing is to have a history on him.  

  3. You need to know any history or mental illness in his family (including things like bipolar disorder, depression, ADHD, ADD, Autism....basically anything).  Also need to know about history of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, birth defects, nerve disorders and any other medical problems that he knows about on his family side.  The more medical information you can get the better.  I know my ex-husband didn't know much at all from his family they keep things secret usually so I was more clueless while filling out the papers and had to put a lot of unknowns down.  

  4. Blood Type?

    Genetic Disorders?

    Birth Defects?

    History of Cancer, heart/lung/liver/kidney disorders?

  5. genetc, birt deffect and any question you can think of hun  

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