
What type of medicine can i use to heal the swelling of my ankle?

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  1. If it's swelling from an injury (strain or sprain) you can manage it by wrapping in an elastic bandage (also known as an Ace bandage) and elevating it (higher than your heart) as well as packing it in ice for 30 min, then 30-45 min off, then 30 min on....

    IF the swelling is from something else - then you need to see a dr ASAP because swelling in the foot/ankle can lead to bad things.

  2. Arnica.....its a homeopathic medicine. It is great for swelling, bruising, mild burns, things like that.

  3. I'm a nurse, but I cannot answer your question without knowing what happened to your ankle.

  4. Naproxen = aleeve or Motrin

  5. You can start by soaking your ankle in Epsom Salt, that will help start to bring down the swelling.

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