
What type of menu for a housewarming party?

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I'm a college student and my roommate and I are moving into our newest apartment later this month. I want to invite less than ten people over for a meal, and the only thing I know we want to make is party potatoes (the ones with the cornflakes on top) but I don't quite know what goes well with them. Any ideas?




  1. Try finger foods, and easy stuff. You can go to or and search there.

  2. Grill up some hamburgers to go along with your potatos, add some coleslaw, corn on the cob, and brownies for dessert.

  3. I ate ribs today, and patatoes. So maybe you should make YUMMY ribs!

  4. I did a curry party last week  - it was brilliant and the plus side of it was, I got to eat left over curry for the rest of the week! :o)

    party potatoes?  There must be something else you can cook.  What about a big chili to go with it - do a pan of rice, buy some tortilla chips, some salsa and some guacamole and that'll all go with potatoes.

    1 kg Minced Beef

    2 medium onions chopped

    4 chili padi (red chilies) chopped small

    4 cloves garlic chopped/crushed

    Chili powder (2 teaspoons worth and up.......need to taste and adjust flavour)

    1-2 beef stock cubes

    2 tablespoons tomato puree/paste

    1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes

    1 x 400g tin kidney beans rinsed and drained

    salt and pepper to taste

    (I don't use mushrooms or red/green capsicum/pepper, but if you want to, go for it)

    Fry onion in 2 tbsps oil, after 2 mins add garlic and then another min or two and add beef and fresh chili.  When beef is cooked, add the chili powder, puree, tomatoes and beef stock and, once boiling, reduce the heat and simmer on a low heat for at least 2 hours (or put in the oven like a casserole).  Add the kidney beans about an hour before serving (so they don't go too mushy).

    taste it as it is cooking to make sure it is reasonably spicy and there's enough salt and pepper in it.  Add a cup of water if it starts to dry out.

    As you can put it on a back burner or in the oven, it's great for a party because you can forget about it while you get on with other things.

  5. tapas style, light, appetizer type

    wings, meatballs, crab dip, mini quiches

  6. Chicken -- You can do it up anyway you like, BBQ, Bake, Roast, Fry, Skewers.  Marinate over night in the fridge and toss it on the grill or whatever. You can even make Hot Wings. You obviously have a computer so a world of recipes are available to you. Have fun, be smart and stay safe.

  7. Sloppy Joes and coleslaw would be easy, inexpensive and would balance out the meal.  (Cole slaw recipe below)

    To make the sloppy Joes just brown some ground beef, drain off the grease, and add your favorite barbcue sauce.  Serve with pickles.

    Hot apple pie with sherbet or ice cream would be a nice refreshing dessert.

    Cole Slaw


        * 1 (16 ounce) bag coleslaw mix

        * 2/3 cup mayonnaise

        * 1/4 cup sugar

        * 3 tablespoons milk

        * 2 tablespoons vinegar

        * 1/2 teaspoon salt

        * 1/4 teaspoon pepper



                Combine all ingredients except cole slaw mix in a large bowl and combine well.


                Add the cole slaw mix and toss to coat.


          Cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight to allow flavors to blend.

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