
What type of milk is available in France (ieSemi skimmed etc)?

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What type of milk is available in France (ieSemi skimmed etc)?




  1. As mentioned in other answers the biggest range of milk on the supermarket shelves is UHT.  Most stock fresh milk, either skimmed or semi skimmed but look out for the 'fermentier' label which is usually in small writing.  This is basically soured milk which in England is the equivalent of what we would throw away.  Don't know why they sell it - perhaps its for cooking eg. crepe batter.

  2. Hello, you can find unskimed milk, skimmed milk, semi skimmed milk, raw milk (mostly in health food shops I think), powdered milk, condensed milk, curd, buttermilk (lait Ribot)... :)


    @ Bear : Buttermilk is called "babeurre" or "Lait Ribot" in France ( You will easily find it in "Bretagne" where it's a speciality (I guess). Try the Montparnasse area in Paris (14th arrondissement) which is a bit a "breton" district (rue delambre...). I think you can find it in health food shops or maybe in some grocery stores...

    As for cornmeal (farine de maïs), I've read you can find it at the "Grande Epicerie du Bon Marché" (38, rue de Sèvres Paris 75007 ), in health food shops, at "Thanksgiving" (american grocery store : http://www. )...  Hope this helps !

  3. All of the same kinds of milk you find in the US!  Whole, skim, semi-skim.  It is often found in the dry aisles, however, not the refrigerated section, as most Europeans use UHT milk which has a shelf-life of about 6 months and need not be refrigerated until opened.

  4. dont worry, every type that you could find in the us is available in france!!

  5. i love the milk here in france and i'm from the usa i feel it more creamie then our own milk  plus i love the idea that i don't need to keep it cold unless i need it  storing it on ashelf it so much better then having to buy milk everyday like in the usa

    Edit : Cinq_Mar... you said we can find buttermilk  here in france please if you have a store in mind i love to know i live in the paris area also anyone know where to buy corn meal  i miss my cornbread hehe?

  6. All types of milk are available everywhere.

  7. Only whole, semi-skimmed and non-fat. There are no 1% and 2% like you have in the States. Also, if you need something special like lactose-free, it is *only* available in UHT, which isn't as good a fresh. There is only one brand and it only comes in full and non-fat, the latter is what is difficult to find.

    The French love UHT and buy it regularily. French people often don't understand why Americans who live here, buy fresh when UHT is easier to store. Americans, typically, dislike the taste of UHT.

    Goat's and sheep's milk is available in larger stores (sometimes) and in speciality, organic ("bio") places. I've never seen buffalo milk here in France. There is a big selection of soy milks and soy products here though. Rice milk is possible. Careful as some brands are definitely better than others!

    My family in California buys tons of lactose-free fresh milk for me when I visit. I drink it like crazy, getting my "fix" since I can't get it here in France.

  8. They have

    Lait entier (whole milk)

    Demi Ecreme (Low Fat)

    Ecreme (Fat Free)

    buttermilk, cream, etc.

  9. the only milk that i could buy wen i was their was uht milk

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