
What type of mushrooms are these? PLEASE HELP!?

by  |  earlier

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oaky well see we have these white mushrooms in our yard.

after about 4 or so days they turn brown. then they pop up

like crazy. like my dad mowed just by our curbing yesterday

and within 4 hours they had poped up. so i need you to tell me

if these mushrooms can harm you and what type they are.

btw i live in washington.

and one time there was like a big brown one that was out of the

ground that my dog ate and almost died. i dunno if that helps


thanks to whoever helps. it is reallllly appriciated[:




  1. there's no mushroom experts HERE!!!.... you'll have to take one TO an expert to get the final opinion..... suggest you get out there early every morning while it's damp out there and rake them up an dispose of them before dog or kiddies get to them................

  2. NEVER NEVER eat a mushroom if you are not a mushroom expert, and even then, many "experts" die a year from poisoning! It sounds as if these are ordinary fungus that grows from mulch, etc.  ... not edible.!

  3. Mushrooms are mainly a mystery.  If you are very concerned I would put my hand inside a plastic sack, carry another plastic sack and pick the ones that pop up and dispose of them, mowing makes them happy and spreads them.

    Many sprays for fungus harm lawns, pick and toss pretty quick fix---most dogs would eat a light bulb before they ate a nasty plant.



  6. you can probably find out by google somehow

    soor y  i cant really help  

  7. Contact your local County Agent and get a list of Mycological Societies or mushroom clubs in your area. This time of year is prime mushroom picking in your neck of the woods and they will take you on forays to identify your shroom and all the good the bad, the deadly and the "funny ones". Remember there are bold mushroom pickers and old mushroom pickers but very few old and bold pickers.  RScott

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