
What type of music os good for doing martial arts?

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i want to know

specially a music that be thrilling and causes to feel power.






  1. You could always go with old faithful: Eye of the Tiger... I'm pretty sure that works for anyone. Actually, just get the Rocky Soundtrack!!!! If you don't feel a burst of energy from those songs, I don't know what will help you.

  2. It may depend on the art, in Krav Maga we usually crank metal, where as in combat SAMBO, all we have are orders from the instructors and the sound of bodies hitting the floor.

    In taijiquan classes sometimes they would play relaxing Chinese or new age stuff, depending on the class and instructor.

  3. why don't you try the music you like most. if those dont work try this song: go to and put "give me the power" by voodoo & serano.

  4. Whatever music you like.

    If you don't like the music then its not gonna help at all.

  5. Martial music!

  6. Rusted Root

    Mischief Brew

    Rodrigo y Gabriella

    sometimes throwback 80's and 90's oldschool rap on occasion...

  7. Tecno all the way look up Sand Storm...........WICKED song to workout to or run 2 :)

  8. This always works for me. The rhythm makes me ready for combat -

    Here is a clip of them live -

    When I was in Tai Chi class there was a lot of traditional Chinese music played.

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