
What type of people become anti-feminist in general?

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religious (i think islam?) men? men whose mother is dominant and oppressive?

I hardly can understand why some people are against the feminism?

Plz dont be sarcastic saying something like they're insecure, they're inferior, they're weak.. etc. that's not what im expecting to hear. i already know that.

I really want to know what type of men and women have skeptical point of view on gender equality and feminism.




  1. I am not skeptical about gender equality at all. I am skeptical of Feminism. Feminism, to me, has nothing to do with gender equality. In my opinion, most anti feminist women are women who care about their families before their careers, want their sons to be raised in a loving environment, and don't want their husbands, brothers and fathers to be walked upon.

    IN the U.S., we acheived gender equality long ago. I have known since Kindergarten at least that I can be anything I want to be.  

  2. Only a silly person can become an anti-misandrist, as misandry is such a lovely philosophy.

  3. Not all anti-feminists believe women are inferior. It's also an ideology of maintaining tradition. Some think that feminism is leading to the downfall of the traditional family. They believe that a woman's place in the home raising the children.

    It's not that they think women cannot handle anything else, they just think that is their purpose in life.

  4. What is an anti-feminist? there are many different reasons they have for being so. It appears most females are housewifes, in here at least. Men have various reasons from being traditionalists, sexists, misogynists, doesn't believe in ideologies, academically against social construction theories on gender, believes feminists to be sexists(goes along with ideologues), considers feminism irrelevant today...

    Also, you're using the False Dilemma fallacy.. the whole "Either you're with us or against us" mentality usually seen with ideologues as a form of bullying people to join their ideology through sensualistic blackmail.

    Edit: No one ever said anything about being offended. Not sure where that is from. I simply pointed out what I see as using the fallacy (along with answering why some may be anti-feminists) .... called False Dilemma or False Dichotomy. It seems that you are concerned about whether someone isn't 'with you' because that's actually what this very question is asking... "Why don't people join my ideology... or they must be inferior, ..."

  5. There are people out there who think we should all fit into neat little boxes and be one way or another based on our gender, religious beliefs, and race. They can't stand that there are many others who don't want to or can't fit into those neat little boxes. Basically, what they want is conformity and think society would be better off that way.

  6. I believe both sexes should have equal rights.  Because of that, feminists call me an anti-fem and worse.

    Why do so many feel feminism has gone too far?  It's frustration. Both genders don't understand each other.

    I'm fighting for equal rights for fathers. My ex-wife abuses child visitation and many times she doesn't let me talk to my son.

    Today it's easy for a woman like my ex-wife (I divorced her)

    to legally and financially grind down a man via the court system. Feminists ignore & laugh at our pleas of equality.

    That's when the frustration comes into play...we are human beings; let us talk to our children. :) Treat us as humans not as cattle in the courtrooms. Isn't that what feminists expect for themselves? To be treated with respect.  

    We are not as evil as you paint us to be.  Most of us respect you but most of  you don't respect us.  

  7. I think it is the situation or the person.

    When I was growing up my mother was definitely for women rights. It was the seventies and she raised me to think women are equal. But as I got older I began to notice allot of contradictions with her. Meaning, she is for equal rights when it suites her, but when money came into play it was the man responsibility to earn. She went thru 4 different Husbands and took them for allot of money. It wasn't just her, it is a allot of women. And now that I am older, I am quick to respond to a feminist as an equal,  but I do notice they feel threatened by that. I think alot of feminist women really arn't feminest... they just try to act like there strong.  

    I do believe there are women out there that don't need a man to earn there way, I just don't think its what the media plays out. I havn't had luck personally but I do prefer that anyway.

    You asked for a real response so I hope this helps.

  8. All I can say is I'll support feminism when it gets rid of the blatant hypocrisy.

    I personally couldn't care less about gender equality in of itself since equality itself is a meaningless concept (I do think men and women should be treated impartially). Its just a gauge to when things are level not a reason WHY equal rights and opportunities are so important.

    They're important because it is equitable (fair) that everyone is given the opportunity to produce ANY outcome they choose, not an equal one.. just an outcome

    Anyways having said I can get over you preaching equality but make d**n sure you give me no reason to doubt it since as you claim it is synonomous with your movement.

    Having the VAWA as an act for women where its clearly unequal by definition (don't even bother trying to prove otherwise) gives everyone a reason to question your advocation for equality.

    Note: the VAWA could be equitable (fair) since men are more capable of causing harm to women but when you say equality then if its applicable to men whether its fair or not they should get it too.

    So that's why i'm an anti a) I don't agree that equality is in any way a valueable concept and b) if you think it is then practice what you preach

    edit @ california raisin. "The misogynist behavior" so anti-feminism is misogynistic... I never knew not agreeing with feminism implies hatred of women.. you really are something else

  9. A lot of a persons beliefs and behaviour comes from their experience.  A man who's father has always treated his wife as an inferior, especially if the wife accepts this will grow up considering that women are not equal.

    Whatever we experience and see around us when we are growing up we consider as the norm and many never question these standards, beliefs when we grow up.

    Many men would much rather live in a world where they are treated as superior by their women.  Thankfully many Intelligent, self assured men would rather live in a world where they are treated and treat the women they know as equals.

  10. It depends on your definition of anti-feminist.

    These days terms like feminist and anti-feminist are just as ambiguous and not to mention divisive as terms like pro-life or pro-choice.

    So really truly, what is an anti-feminist?

    Is an anti-feminist a person who opposes all forms of feminism and women's rights?

    If that is the definition then you'll find few "anti-feminists" in this day and age except for extremely fundamental religious and/or people in undeveloped nations.

    Is an anti-feminist a person who opposes some forms of feminism?

    If that's the case, then you will find many of these people.

    The first group of people is a minority group that consists of people who have only one narrow-minded way of thinking that is backed up by their religious doctrine.

    The second group of people opposes one or maybe two forms of feminism.

    Most "anti-feminist" these days oppose modern day feminism which goes one step further than acquiring equal rights for women, it wishes to gain more rights for them. Many aspects of feminism have been ethnocentric and have been highly criticized by black feminists such as Alice Walker and Angela Davis. The most modern feminist movements undermine the importance of men in our society. A society is nothing without it's men, just as it's nothing without it's women. Today, while our girls are improving by leaps and bounds in all areas of life, our boys are being left behind. Now, at 6 years old they can be suspended from school for supposed sexual harassment and falsely charged for rape.

    Many are also critical of feminism because of it's well known leaders. People like Betty Friedan and Germaine Greer,both of whom have been noted by friends even to be egotistical, thin-skinned, and subject to screaming fits. In fact, many find women like them quite frightening.

    In countries where true patriarchy, sexism and even outright hatred and disrespect towards women is shown, yes feminism has a purpose.

    In modern Western Civilizations feminism is just not needed, just as anti-feminism isn't needed. We have succeeded to gain equal rights and opportunities for people. What we must do now and form a new way of thinking. An ideology that both men and women can stand united for. We need to work as a team to make sure those rights and opportunities

  11. antisocial self-centered bigotry  

  12. 1. Men who have been burned in relationships.

    2. Women who really want to stay home and be treated like princesses who resent feminism raising the expectations for them.

    3. Men who have been rejected a lot and need to convince themselves of the inherent "superiority" of their gender to make themselves feel better.

  13. Those who are socialised to be that way.  They learn first from their parent(s) and close family members.  The misogynist behavior is modeled for them, and they internalise the messages.  The messages they learn are reinforced by society as older children.  For example, if the mother of the child is domineered by her partner then the child will come to think this is how it is everywhere.  This state of affairs (female subservience) is "normal" to the child because the child doesn't have any other reference point.


    to start.

    Also, psychologist Konrad Adenauer on modelling (the guy with the geese, lol).

  14. Based on some of the respondents here-they feel they were losers in the custody/divorce battle and blame it on feminism.

    Some want a woman to take care of their home and make babies for them and feel that feminists are the reason why women don't aspire to it like in the past. Couldn't possibly be a result of multiple societal changes now could it?

    Some feel lost and want a return to rigid gender roles so they know what they are suppose to do.  

    Some pick non-feminist women and want these women to exhibit the feminist traits that are convenient for them (women who will pay their own way) but still want a woman who is "traditional" and knows how to act like a "lady". Then they get enraged when the non-feminist women don't display the feminist traits they like!

    A few need to feel superior. Some just don't like women and feminists are a convenient group to vent their hatred onto.

  15. I would call myself an anti-feminist, for lack of a better word.

    I dont have a problem with feminism as an ideal, feminism on paper is good.

    But so is communism.

    Communism is the perfect form of goverment.... on paper. But in reality human greed and laziness screws up the whole system, the same thing goes for feminism, people will twist it to their own ends, which is why its impractical and will never achieve its goal.

    I have a problem with certain aspects of feminism, not the ideal as a whole.

    Gold Digger: Who feeds you this c**p? Your using a basic "because they are evil" deflector argument. You didn't provide an answer, you just spewed out all your hate and contempt for my gender in one post.

    Its obvious you have an anger towards men that has nothing to do with feminism or achieving equality. You want revenge, not justice.

  16. Men who feel discriminated against and are frustrated.  Basically, much of the same mentality which created feminism all those years ago.

  17. People that hate hypocrisy and misandry but want equality and fairness.

  18. People who believe in true equality.

    People who believe in equal opportunity instead of equal outcome.

    People who tired of lies, propaganda and anti-male bias that feminists constantly spewing out.

    People who are against hateful ideologies.

    People who actually know what feminism really is about.

  19. Muslim men are no more likely than any other man to become anti-feminist.

    anti-feminists tend to be people who have actually accepted the patriarchal norm and who think that any deviation from that is a threat to their identity. It's sad really that these are people who have no other definition of themselves than the same one that they claim feminism is forcing on them.

  20. simple... there men that want to domenate an control us...  an they cant stand it that we women have minds of our own...  we can think for ourselfs...   an we wont roll over an do as they say...   an they hate us for not letting them use us an do as they plz with us...   an they hate it that we can earn our own living an can walk out on them whenever we want.....    but most of all... they hate us cuz they no how bad they need us for evrything...  an we dont need them for anything at all!!!

  21. Female philosophers, L*****n feminists, career women, misogynists, housewives, teachers, professors, they come from all walks of life. The examples I used are people I know of who are critical of feminism.

    "...the term "anti-feminist" is used to silence academic debate about feminism." -Daphne Patai

  22. I believe that the there is a real lack of understanding of the true meaning of feminism.  Those who fall into that category are jumping on the anti-feminist band wagon and their only excuse is that women already have more rights than men and fems are aligned to the n***s.  They are mimicking all the usual sentiments against feminism without their own impartial judgement.  They are misinformed individuals who feel that women have no value in the world.  It's fear of the unknown.

    They don't want to know about women.

    There's a poster who claims it's discrimination against males.  Ok, go over to Pakistan or one of those places and witness a woman being doused with petrol and set alight.  Would you just stand there and enforce your anti-feminist beliefs?

  23. "Plz dont be sarcastic saying something like they're insecure, they're inferior, they're weak.. etc. that's not what im expecting to hear. i already know that."

    *Does not feed the troll*

    I will only say that Kendrick has a very good answer here, and where you got the fact he was offended is beyond me, but based on the above statement, you don't want a mature discussion.

  24. I'm a female ant-feminist and feminism just doesn't trip my trigger. " I can hardly understand why some people are against feminism."  Perhaps, that's the problem of feminism; too much damned closed mindedness.  Also, let me clarify this for you I did not become an anti-feminist; I am one, I was never involved in it, and above all I do not believe that women can be all they can be just because of feminism. That's a bunch of psycho babble to catch the unaware.

  25. A lot of them are men who have been shafted by the family court system. Feminists are an easy target for them, even though feminists are not directly responsible for those biases.

    Others are women who would prefer a traditional lifestyle and don't have it for economic reasons. Feminism isn't directly responsible for that, either.

    Others are people who have only been exposed to the radical side of feminism and not the mainstream, liberal side, and therefore assume it's all the same.

    The final group is people who are simply opposed to gender equality for whatever reason.

  26. I hate everything that shares ideas with modern liberals.

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