
What type of people incite you to make up phony stories about yourself...?

by  |  earlier

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stories you don't believe in, stories which almost make you laugh at yourself, yet you simply can't stop because you're so curious about their reaction?




  1. that reminds me of highschool when i was to busy trying to impress my self!

    glad that phase if overwith!

    now what you see is what you get don't like it think it's boaring then leave me a lone!

  2. The only people who have ever incited me to make up phony stories about myself were high school teachers (English and History).

  3. hahahaha!

    Well here I am "come in spinner"

    I am always a sucker for people to play with, go on lead me astray :)

  4. Gullible people who believe me

  5. I don't often tell stories about myself, because I have so many interesting true situations to relate.  But some of the more interesting stories are a little shocking, and the people who make me tell them are the ones who are either very prudish.

    It's fun to see a very straight laced, "proper" person get shocked, and, more often then not, they're even thrilled.  "Oh, I wouldn't dare do something like that!" but their facial expressions usually say, "But I wish I could!"

    I laugh every time.

  6. No one.

  7. The ones with that glint of naivety in their eyes; the ones you know are gullible from the word go.

    Why? Harmless entertainment.

  8. oh I stopped doing that decades ago, I just don't enjoy the game now

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