
What type of period is normal after a miscarriage and how soon do you get one?

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I know everyone is different, but what type of period is normal after a miscarriage? How soon do you normally get one? Is it heavy or light? Cramping? There is a chance that I could be pregnant again. I am having cramps but just light spotting. Not even enough to wear a pad.How soon can I test?




  1. Hi.. after my miscarriage my period came the next month as normal just a few days longer. And the bleeding may mean you are about to ovulate..

    It is very very hard to tell when you could have gotten pregnant with out knowing when you period was, obvioulsy in your case you never had one.

    After my miscarriage I thought I was pregnant just b.c my period came later the next month then I expected.

    not much you can do I suppose. Maybe go get blood.

    What did you doctor say at your 2 week check up?

    Mine told me my period would come in a few weeks and when it did i could try again.. it came in a few weeks and we have been trying.

    Good luck

  2. After a MC periods get very heavy for about a year and can be somewhat irregularr. It becomes very hard to judge when you can start ttc again because in some cases ovulation will not show up on some women because hormone levels can stay to high for up to 3 months. There will be cramping up to about 2-3 after the MC. I would not test untill at least 5  weeks after the MC just because there is a good chance of a fake positive. So good luck!!

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