
What type of personalities do you attract??

by  |  earlier

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For me i am shy and spontaneous and i seem to attract wack jobs and possessive ppl? What is your personality type and what type of ppl do you attract?




  1. I seem to attract fans.............I have no idea why...I am not Joe Cool.................

    Also, a few friends i have had for ten plus years, but that is not what you asked.........

    personality.pretty level with some humor

  2. calm,intellegent,kindhearted person.

    yet wild and free.^_^ i attract freaky girls lol. (im very serious freaky girls like me for some reason i want a girl that isnt that much of what i encounter lol)

  3. I'm confident, don't care what other people think occassionally uptight but learning to lighten up, erm for a long time i seemed to attract jerks, it's a as if i had a sign written "s***w me" on my forehead but now I attract the studious, ambitious types (nerds) nice people though. when it comes to women I seem to get the ones with serious issues for some odd reason, lol there was a girl i met whom I'm pretty sure had a personality disorder and took advantage of people, and my last potential gf had confidence issues, oh well lol  

  4. Secular to the point of rabid individualism, much like the japanese before they opened their shipping lanes to the world.

    Naturally, i attract the opposite...

    Kinda says something about human international relations throughout history, that does..

  5. ugly girls that are horney at me

  6. from observing the situations above, it is OBVIOUS that


  7. I am quiet and calm.  I seem to attract introverts.  Would really like to attract extroverts, they are so much more interesting.  I am more extroverted with them.  Introverts just can't show emotion and have intimacy issues.

  8. I'm shy, quiet, sweet. I tend to attract cocky, self centered, and annoying guys. :/ UGH

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