
What type of pet should I get, and can you provide a bit of info about them?

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Ok, well I want to keep a pet in a fishtank I have, with or without water in it. The dimensions are 41cm by 37cm by 23cm. What should I get??




  1. That isn't a very big tank. I wouldn't recommend putting any mammal in there that is much bigger than a mouse, gerbil or dwarf hamster.

    You are looking at a 3 year life span with most rodent species, so it wouldn't be a terribly long commitment. The three that I listed are nocturnal animals, so they can drive you crazy at night, depending on how hard of a sleeper you are or how far away in your house they are from your bedroom.

    If you can handle that, they are easy to feed, their food is cheap, and for fun, you can even give them your raw fruit and vegetable scraps when you are cooking or eating them yourself.

    You can get away with cleaning the cage out every one to two weeks. Cedar or pine ships are good bedding and help control the odor.

    Reptiles : You could get a little slider turtle, but eventually, it will outgrow the tank. I live in Florida, and if you live in a southern state, you could catch your own little critter like a cuban anole lizard, ringneck, scarlet king or garter snake (which is a small snake)  or pink gecko.

    You can feed lizard and gecko moths that you could catch easily at night with your porch light. or buy meal worms. If you had a small snake, you could feed them baby lizards. I always was able to find baby lizard, and adult ones too, sleeping on my rose bushes at night.

    You could get a hermit crab. I think they sell hermit crab food at pet stores. I am not sure what you could find them to naturally eat.

    Good luck and have fun!

  2. Here is a video that can help answer your question

  3. a reptile mabye : snake ? lizard?

    a rodent also make great pets: rats? mice? gerbil? hamster?

    or frogs ????

    i thing rodents are good they can be cared for easy go to this website to learn about rats

  4. leopard gecko, they are cute, very entertaining, very evolved personality wise and fun to show off.

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