
What type of phone cards will work in the Southern Carribean?

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We're leaving on our cruise (with Norweigian) January 23rd and will be gone for 10 days. I absolutely MUST be able to contact my son during this trip (or will go crazy!) but can't afford a $500 phone bill! Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. Ask your room steward when you get on board, he or she will be calling home routinely and will know the best places to get cards. In addition some ports have seaman's centers where you can make inexpensive calls.

  2. You're not gonna get good rates with phone cards in this region.

    It might be a better idea to rent a cell phone

  3. I recommend Continental card.

    Which countries you will call from?

    You can check to compare and find other calling cards.

    Good luck!

  4. some cell phones work.. i just got home from the carribean and my phone worked while i was there.. the rates were a little higher but affordable

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