
What type of phone should I buy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm not looking for anything like an iPhone, or anything with internet access, and I don't really think I want one with a keyboard, but I'm considering a slider phone or something of the sort. Any suggestions? I have T-Mobile, and yes, it's service does suck.




  1. What about a razor.

    t-mobile has many cute colors. :]

  2. Motorola Razor, they are good

  3. I was going to say Razr or Krazr but they have allot of features so I think you should go with something More basic, something more like what your looking for.

    Maybe a Samsung t439, Nokia 6133, Samsung t229, Nokia 6263, and the list goes on...

    Heres a link so you can look at the phones they have and what they can do:

  4. Don't get a slide phone. All they do is break. If I was you I would go for the Motorolla Razr:: Motorolla Krazr:: This one comes in many colors. And if you want something plain and simple get this. All these phones are very durable. I had a razr and I had it for 2.5 years with no problems whatso ever. The krazr is pretty much the same thing but it just is a bit smaller. I would go with one of those. Anyways- After my contract wore up on the razr I really wanted a chocolate. So I go out-Buy one. I am on my forth replacement becuase the slide phones get slid up and down too much and things come loose like the charger port and the music port and they just don't hold up well at all so if I were you I would go with one of the links that I gave you (:

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