
What type of physical changes will my body go through during a miscarriage?

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i found out i was 5 weeks pregnant and then 4 days later i found out i was having a do i deal with the hormones? I have a 10 year old who can't understand why 1 minute i'm yelling and the next i'm crying.h**l, i can't even understand it !




  1. I have had several miscarriages and I think it depends on what you need and how you relax.  After most of my miscarriages I needed some alone time to take a bath, drink tea, and watch sad movies to get all my crying out; then a few days later I spent a fun day with my family out, such as a picnic and the zoo.  It helps to put things back in order and heal emotionally.  Take time to grieve for the baby you lost and then appreciate what you have.

    Also men deal with miscarriage differently then women so sometimes it helps to have support possibly from a friend who has lost a baby.

    I am sorry for your loss!

  2. Have you considered asking this question of your doctor?  The hormones related to pregnancy (and other womanly issues) affect different women differently. However, I do have a friend who miscarried at 4 months or so.  She was dealing with the same issues of crying for no aparent reason, being irritable, and having swinging moods like this.  You may want to temporarily get on a mood stabilizer to help level your moods and take solice in the fact that these hormone related outbursts will decrease. :)

  3. I'm so very sorry for your loss, my heart goes out to you.

    I had a miscarriage due to a blighted ovum back in 2/98.

    You are going through a traumatic experience, the loss of a pregnancy is devastating.  You will most definitely be emotional, that is completely normal.  It isn't all just hormonal -- you suffered a loss, you are experiencing grief.

    If you need to do so, contact your doctor, let him/her know that you are having a difficult time.  I myself went through therapy after my miscarriage.

    I should mention this -- if you begin to leak milk, do NOT panic, this is another thing that is very much normal.  The body reacts in the same way as one would after having a baby.  

    HUGS to you, I wish you all the best.

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