
What type of physical is needed to get into police academy? Just a basic physical?

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What type of physical is needed to get into police academy? Just a basic physical?




  1. I believe you have to pass a basic physical, be able to run for a certain amount of time, and be tazed with a police tazer.

  2. -Weight check (military standards of weight and height)

    -Need to be able to run (cross country/sprint in certain amount of time).

    -Need to be able to run a mile in a certain amount of time within your body standards

    -Do a dummy drag, which weighs around 175-180 lbs and drag him about 200 ft.

    -Scale fences (chain link and wooden fence). No extra support is given, like special hand grips or anything like that.

    -You also have to pass a psychological test/written exam/and pass certain college classes, like different levels of English and Math and such.

    -They also give you weighted belts and weighted boots when you scale fences. They do it on purpose of course since they want real sturdy people.

    I think this covers majority of what goes up in the police academy. Once you pass these after a long period of time, then you do the harder stuff like the pepper spray, tear gas, and the tazer. That's when you reach the peak of becoming a police officer. You have to do those tests so you know what power you possess when you use it, so if any incident goes to court where such acts were used, they want to be sure you knew what you were doing and did not abuse power of authority.

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