
What type of plant do I have and how do I take care of it?

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I bought the plant a month ago a home depot they said it was an indoor plant, however i do not know the name of it nor how to take care of it. the plant has a cane like stalk and the leaves are long and narrow. i've seen this particular plant indoors but only taller and the stalk grows very tall with leaves dangling from the top. It looks like a mini palm tree. It may me a corn plant? I bought one before and it died. I have a hard time keeping them alive. I have been giving it 2 cups a week and the end of the leaves are turning brown. i would like to know what type of plant this is and how to properly take care of it.




  1. Corn Plant:

    Dragon Tree:

    Could be either of these or several other possibilities.

    Without a pic of your plant it is difficult to say for sure.

    If you can take a digital pic of it and post it here you will get an ID of  your plant.

  2. It sounds like a dracaena of some sort. They need the same care.

  3. Is it a Sago palm?

  4. Not sure, maybe a bambo plant? If so they don't need alot of direct light.

  5. It sounds like some kind of bamboo. But I have not had any so can't help further. Corn is NOT an indoor plant, it needs full sun, so wouldn't be sold as an indoor plant.

  6. sounds like a corn plant or janet craig,the brown tips are from improper watering.the best way to do it is give it a good soaking then let it dry out this can take a couple of weeks depending on pot size,temperature,and health of plant.a corn plant doesnt require direct sun but does do well in high to medium lite

  7. It definitely sounds like a corn plant.They will get the palm tree look you describe when light is not sufficient.In good bright light from a large south facing window the lower leaves will stay on indefinately.They also loose lower leaves and get brown on the tips and margins when watered improperly.To much or to little gives the same results.Roots die, and then leaves.You want the soil watered thoroughly from top to bottom.If you don't have one get a saucer for the bottom of your pot from a garden center.They are available in plastic and clay.Water until you get some water collecting in the saucer.1/4 to 1/2" is  good,it will quickly be absorbed back into the soil.The best test of when to water is the oldest.Stick a finger 1/2" into the soil.If it feels moist at this level it is good for several more days.Fertilize abiout once a month with Miracle Grow or Peters.Follow the directions for mixing for houseplants.They need to be moved to a larger pot about every 3 yr's. The root mass gets so thick water runs straight through.You want to go up to a pot abought 2" larger in diameter When you repot cut about 2" of the root mass from the bottom, and shave about 1" from the sides.This stimulates healthy new root growth.Dracenas,(corn plants) tolerate trimming the brown areas from the leaves well with a sharp pair of scissors.Just trim and shape it to the natural shape of the leaf.This is a common practice in retail greenhouses.

  8. Go to images and look for dracena types.

    Maybe corn plants, too.

    You'll be able to identify it by the pictures.

    I do know that corn plants DO NOT need that much water.

    The local horticulture club said I drowned mine.

    Never mind the goofball who thinks corn plants are the same as the food plants.  haha

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