
What type of plant or animal is your endangered or threatened species?

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need to research to classify the organism




  1. i dono abt plants.... but white tiger is one of d animal

  2. hope this helps

  3. Here in Florida there are so many endangered or threatened species it is hard to recall them all.  Check out the link below and you'll find more information that will help you.

    I manage a state park and we have numerous designated species the most famous of which is the Florida Scrub Jay, an amazing bird that displays true family values.  This "umbrella species" is rapidly disappearing over 90 % of its territory is gone in this area, it has been eradicated from all other states and we are working hard to save it.

    Good luck with your report

  4. A few endangered species:

    Lowland Mountain Gorilla


    Indian Elephant

    African Elephant

    Snow Leopard


    Siberian Tiger

    Brown Pelican

    Southwestern Willow Flycatcher

  5. Some kinds of elephants, tigers and fish.

    Polar bears and bold eagles are also endangered.

    I'm not sure what kind of plants.

  6. Hi Alicia...

    There are works on bornean sunbear conservation program that has been done by our local researcher in Borneo. His project is still on going.

    I give you this link so i hope you will find more about his passion and determination on saving this endangered species.

    Good luck!

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