
What type of play activities do you do with a 1 month old?

by  |  earlier

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my baby is one month and fussy. what can i do to entertain her besides rocking, singing, reading, going for a walk, and holding her.




  1. def. get a playmat!! She might be a little too young for it... not sure...but at 2 months my son LOVED it.  Its one of those play mats that have toys and bright colors or toys that make noise dangling down.  Once she is a bit older she will try to grab them and stuff.  Or sit her infront of the TV.  I lay my son on his little boppy thing infront of the tv with cartoons on and he LOVES the colors.  You will need to put something close to her face because her eyesight is still not very good.  She can not see far.  Try a rattle too.  

  2. We bought a fitness ball from Target and bounced on that thing all day.  It helped with gas and burps.  My calfs were in great shape.  We sat in front of a window and watched the world go by.

  3. as for entertaining her, probably nothing at that age, besides what you're already doing.

    as for calming the fussyness.... try the colic hold (google it) and try taking her for a drive in the car. and if all else fails try some gripe water.  

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