
What type of pokemon do i have to use to counter water ice pokemon?

by  |  earlier

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what pokemon (not from diamond please)

should i use?




  1. To beat Water

    Grass Pokemon - I like the starter Turtwig (Pearl) but I used my Budew which evolved to Rosalia

    Electric Pokemon - Pikachu or Luxray to beat Water (Pearl)

    To Beat Ice

    I used Geodude and Onix - mid levels - around 50

    Sorry I am currently playing Pearl and I've forgotten which ones that I used in the other games

  2. electric,fighting, grass and rock

  3. ok you can use electric, grass, fighting and rock....

    hope you kick some butt!!!

    Good Luck and Have Fun

  4. ANything with grass or electric moves will be most benificial

  5. sceptile or could even use a pokemon that knows thunder punch

  6. Fight water pokemon with electric and grass type.

    Fight ice pokemon with fighting, fire, rock, and steel.

    Because i dont know what game are you playing, so i just can give the type.

    Hope it's help.

  7. Are you talking about Lorelei in elite 4 of Pokemon Fire Red?

    The first Elite Four, Lorelei, uses Ice Pokemon. Most of her Pokemon are half Water, so your best bet is to use Electric attacks. Fighting also works well, but Fire is only good against Jynx. Hail is typically her first move. Jynx uses Lovely Kiss to put your Pokemon to sleep, so have the Pokeflute or wake it up. Lapras has Confuse Ray which can be a hinderance. Once you have defeated Lorelei, the door will open up to the next Elite. Use your items to fix up your party before going through.

    Good luck!

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