
What type of polymetrics?

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i'm a female playing volleyball, as seen before i'm just 168cm, what type of polymetrics do i choose to increase my jumping power/height?

thanks to all have answered my question earlier.

any websites for help?




  1. I would not do any plyometrics drills until you study up on it or ask a strength and conditioning coach or your own coach.  These two books I have used in helping my players to increase their height and power:

    Jumping into Plyometrics by Donald A. Chu


    Complete Conditioning for Volleyball by Al Scates and Mike Linn

    Good Luck!!

  2. Plyometrics are a great way to increase your jump.  You can buy high quality and expensive equipment or just make your own.  One other exercise I might recommend would be jumping while in a pool.  Get in the water about chest deep.  Jump.  Not only does the water work as your resistance (like plyometrics) but the landing is better for your knees and ankles.

  3. This is the best site I've found. I asked this a long time ago and someone gave this answer to me, hope it helps you! The site gives you info on what plyometrics are, how they actually work and which ones to do to increase jump, speed, etc.

    By the way, if you look at players on the AVP tour, there are actually quite a lot of players that are 5'6 and 5'7 which is only 2 or 3 inches taller than you, so focus on how you play, not that you aren't as tall (I'm 5'7). Getting a really nice vertical jump is really important but at your height, you'd make a great libero and smaller but quicker player if you focused on defensive more than hitting and such.

  4. Quick and easy plyometric exercise is to get three or four different height boxes and put them beside each other.  Jump up on one jump off and immediately jump to the next highest one and so on.  You can also use stairs.  Jump to the first step then down then immediately to the second step, down and to the third step............etc

    Good luck

  5. jump on it in reps of 10...start with small boxes and then go to bigger ones..also there is this thing called a jump machine...its weighted ropes attached to your waist and it works your leg muscles...good luck=)

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