
What type of product can I use to protect my TV from surges, brownouts and act as a line conditioner.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm looking for some type of surge protector/line conditioner for my home theater system. I have a 47" LCD HD TV. I also have a Nintendo Wii as well as the usual DVD player, cable box, etc. I've been looking at some nice products that are surge protectors and line conditioners, but none of them mentions anything about brownout protection. Is it just standard that they protect against brownouts? Any suggestions as to what I could get? I'm on a somewhat tight budget, but I'll spend what's necessary to protect my electronics.




  1. A surge protector bought at the electronics's store will only protect against a surge of power coming down the line.  A brown out on the other hand is when not enough power is being conducted.  To prevent any damage due to brown outs I would suggest to buy a battery back up for your system.  This will allow all of your equipment to continue having adequate power when there is a drop in or a power outage.

  2. APC VA1500.. as a retail solution.. check out their site for more battery back up..

    i have a APC VA1300 and VA350.. with my computer. modem. router. 2 external hdd. monitor.. surround receiver.. PS3, Wii, dvd player.. fish tank light, filters, and air pump..

    so far all the surges ive had.. didnt affect any of my equipment.. with the VA1300.. i could get about 12 minutes with my computer running before the battery dies.. a quad core mac pro.. with it off.. 220 minutes..

  3. i would recommend going to a retailer that sells professional electronics such as guitar center or samash music, they have professional power conditioners that protect against power surges, power spikes, brown outs, ground loop problems, etc. you can find a decent one for around 100-200 dollars.

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