
What type of product should I make to sell?

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I am good at sewing and can do other crafts and crocheting and knitting too. What is a popular item that people would like to buy? I've made tons of hand bags but that's sort of overdone in the craft market. What is something handmade that you would like to buy?




  1. Checkout to sell you handmade niche online.

  2. Hey why not go to a craft or a hobby store and look around and I am sure something will jump out at you.  YOu will find something taht will get your attention and it might just be soemthing that you like so much that you are able to make some extra money on the side.  Good luck and have fun and try lots of things till you find something great.

  3. Make something like dolls that kids would nag their parents to buy! You could even make clothes that they can buy as extras for their dolls!

  4. how about making quilts for dogs?

  5. Make something for people's pets. Animal people will often spend money on such items.

  6. I have a bunch of afghans and baby clothing that I will be selling at a craft fair. My friend who has been doing it a while says those are good items to sell, also the knitted stuffed animals always seem to sell really well.  I started doing it as a hobby and amassed my supply over a couple of years--but I know people who make them with the intent to sell and it really is a full time job they spend many hours each day on them just to make enough money to make a little profit.

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