
What type of rabbits are the friendliest?

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Or does it just depend on the rabbit?




  1. i have two bunnies and they're both friendly

    i have a mini rex and she's the cutest

    i would have to say that it depends on the bunny

    because there are times when my bunnies get upset

    and she tends to bite but it doesn't hurt of course

    and i would recommend that if you get a bunny

    get it when it's small becuase i had my first bunny since she was old enough to be away from her mom and she got use to us but however my other bunny i got him when he was 8 months old and he isnt use to us petting him playing with him

    well i hope i helped you  

  2. As a general rule, the larger the rabbit, the calmer and friendlier they are.  However, as with all things, there are exceptions, and it really does depend in large part on the individual rabbit.

  3. Larger rabbits are calmer but this does not mean they are friendly , i think that dwarf lops are probably the friendliest you can get but it really does depend on the amount of time you spend taming it , go on goggle and research rabbit breeds and find one to match your lifestyle then do a load of research on the type of bunny you choose , this insures a happy healthy rabbit . best of luck .Stephanie.

  4. Yes, it depends on the individual rabbit.  I'm a former rabbit breeder, and you can breed rabbits for specific characteristics, just like dogs.  I'd breed for rapid weight gain (fryers), temperament, mothering abilities, as well as color & other show standards.  And like dogs, I found the little ones (dwarfs) tended to be nastier more often than the big ones.   I had one 2 lb. dwarf who earned the name "Killer", I'd almost lose my fingers feeding him & cleaning the cage!     I'd recommend that if possible, visit county fairs and/or look for breeders in your area, and avoid pet shop bunnies.  Good breeders won't even sell to pet shops, especially around Easter.  My particular favorite breed was the mini-lop - they're absolute sweeties and *so* cute!!   I'm not familiar with "newer" breeds, like dwarf lops.  Oh, you might see & fall in love with an Angora or "fuzzy lop" - be warned, you'll have to spend a lot of time brushing & grooming them.  They can be litter trained, but they've also got a nasty habit of chewing *everything*, including drywall and electrical wires.  And do some research *before* you bring one home!!   Just type in "rabbit" in any search engine.

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