
What type of rice has the shortest growth cycle?

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What type of rice has the shortest growth cycle?




  1. calrose

  2. I see a range of 3 to 6 months from planting to harvest.

  3. The rice growth cycle

    There are two growing seasons annually within South East Asia although in many cases rice is alternated with a different crop in order to preserve or enhance the soil fertility. The growth cycle of the rice crop depends on whether the plants are growing in the irrigated areas (in general low lying land) or the more remote uplands areas depending on rainwater for irrigation. The basic difference between cycles is the amount of the time that the plant spends in flooded soil. Upland rice crops are not drained during the ripening phase whereas lowland crops are. The main phases for rice fields can be identified as the following:

         flooded fields: at the onset of the rains or the arrival of irrigation water, fields are flooded with water depth varying between 2 and 15cm. Rice plants are sown in nurseries and after 25-35 days are transplanted to the flooded fields in clusters of 1-10 plants. The picture illustrates young rice plants that have recently been transplanted to the paddy fields.

         vegetative phase: the duration of this phase depends on the rice variety. This phase is characterized by the increase in the plant height, the development of leaves and the development of secondary and tertiary stems, each with the possibility of producing a panicle. The soil remains under water during this stage and the plant structure remains vertical. This phase is illustrated.

        reproductive phase: this lasts about 25-35 days. during a complete growth cycle, a rice plant will produce 10-20 leaves with only 5 to 10 existing at any one time. Once the last leaves have formed, the plant flowers and distorts to allow the panicle to rise. Complete panicle formation and flowering takes about 17-24 days.

         ripening: this also lasts about 25-35 days and is characterized by a decrease in stem and leaf moisture content and a decrease in the number of leaves. In some areas, irrigation is stopped during this period but in others, the fields remain flooded. The figure shows the rice crop at the end of the ripening phase. At the end of this phase, depending on labour availability, the crop is harvested. After harvest the rice fields are then characterized by bare dry soil.

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