
What type of rights do you have in an illegal apartment in the state of NY.?

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What type of rights do you have in an illegal apartment in the state of NY.?




  1. If the apartment is truly illegal, you have the right to move out. You can't kill or harm the landlord, nor can you withhold rent or demand a rent refund for the time you have lived there.  You can certainly take the landlord to small claims court, but then you will have to move anyway, since you will have to admit that you live in an illegal apartment.

    In other words, if you want to stay there, shut your mouth.  If you want to leave, simply tell the landlord that you are leaving, giving proper notice.

  2. ummm none

  3. I would have thought very few, but I am not basing that on any knowledge of the state of New York

  4. Oh, I can answer that!

    I don't live in NY, but Judge Judy (yeah, I know, but the law still applies) had a case EXACTLY like this about a week ago where a tenant was renting in New York and the tenant found out it was an "illegal apartment".

    The tenant got back every SINGLE dime of their rent and deposit back.

    Turns out in NY, you can have anyone you want to live in an illegal apartment, but you CANNOT charge rent for it, and if you do, and get caught, tenant can sue for it back.

    So, I sure hope you are the tenant.

  5. If you have no lease, you have no rights in ANY state- NEITHER DOES THE LANDLORD.

    It's WAY dumber for the landlord than it is for the renter.  

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