
What type of scientist is robert jarvik

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im having trouble trying to figure out what type of scientist robert jarvik is (entomologist, geologist,etc)




  1. hes the guy from the commerical for the jarvick artificial heart. hes either a surgeon, cardiologist or both.

  2. I consider him a fraud.  My reasons are clearly spelled out by the responders who believe he is a medical doctor.  He's a medical engineer, not a medical doctor. There is a difference.   And it's very misleading to have him in commercials not-so-subtly portraying a medical doctor.

  3. Cardiovascular surgeon, and inventor of the Jarvik artificial heart

  4. You might call him a "cardiologist" or a "bioengineer."

  5. You mean that guy from the commercial?  i think he is a cardiologist... he did invent an artificial heart.

  6. Heart Surgeon

  7. He is not in any way a medical doctor, including a cardiologist or a heart surgeon. This is why the prescription ads featuring him have been pulled, since they imply that he is a medical doctor and therefore an authority on heart medications. But he is not.

    He invented the artificial heart, so I guess he would be considered a medical engineer.

    In case there is any confusion, a medical engineer or a bioengineer is someone who uses physics and anatomy to design devices for health purposes, such as the artificial heart, electrodes for brain stimulation, etc. They generally do not have a medical degree, and are not qualified to diagnose illness or to prescribe medication. The average bioengineer may only know slightly more about pharmacology than the average person, and probably about the same as anyone with a science degree... which is to say they don't know enough to make the kinds of judgements that a doctor or pharmacist can.

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