
What type of shoes would be best for an airplane trip?

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I'm going to be going on a trip to Florida,and I was wondering what would be the best shoes to wear. I've been often forced into wearing sneakers by my family. Which isn't exactly gonna work if I'm going to Florida.

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  1. they look horrible, i never wear them other than air planes and travelling (i borrow my moms):


    theyre soo comfy!

  2. Hey I'm from Florida, and trust me if you are landing at Miami International Airport you'll need to be super comfortable, I don't recommend flip flops, because of all the problems that's going on with the airlines and all that stuff, sneakers are comfy but no way (it's too hot) plus remember you have to take your shoes off before you go to your waiting area,  I'd go with flats, and you can wear a cute outfit (remember comfortable).... HAVE FUN!!! =) you'll love Florida

  3. I suggest sneakers for walking around the airport and the plane does get pretty cold. I understand that you are going to florida but there is not rule that you have you arrive at the airport in sandals. You can always change into them when you get off the plane or when you get to your hotel.

  4. you will prob have to take them off to go through security

    so something easy and comfortable - you are going to a hot place so flip flops or crocs - anything easy to slip on and

    off - i swear by my "crocs" which i got in greece a few years

    ago for 6 euro - or good flip flops - wear them in a bit first so they don't rub and vaseline on toe post works

  5. hooker heels all the way honey!!! lol no seriously just wear something that is comfy to you and something that is easy to take off at the check in and something that you can run in just in case you need to take off in a hurry. next month im taking a trip to DC and im going to wear flip flops, crocks, tennis shoes and running shoes wont really go with my outfit. just be sure that you are comfy, and keep in mind that your feet might swell a little while on the plane just in case you were thinking about wearing those half a size too small hooker heels you have hidden in the back of your closet out of mom and pops view. lol

    as far as the food i wouldnt bring anything to the airport most likely you will have to throw it out and in the summer time food might get bad. there are lots of fast food, bars, and restaurants in the airport, i always enjoy getting a Starbucks drink to give me a sugar boost. =) enjoy florida for me!

  6. no offfense but i would wear sandals so u dont get tired  yep yep

  7. Wear sandals, not flip flops

  8. Sneakers aren't a good idea for airport security, anyway - you have to remove your shoes to put them through the X-ray machine, and then you'll waste time by having to re-tie them once you get them back.

    I'd suggest comfy flats or sandals - easier to get on and off and they'll work much better for Florida.

    Unless you're going to theme parks while you're there - if that's the case, I hate to say that sneakers are your best bet. Your feet will thank you.

  9. My dear Kim...

    Well, Kim, I must admid ...your family is thinking quite.."practically"....AND ... comfortably... BUT: since you don't "care for" sneakers... I recommend some comfortable "flat" -or- lowheel shoes. Definately   N O  .......

    High-heels !!!!

    You must concider, you'll sit "cramped-up" for a long time & must be comfortable!!!

    Wish you a safe & comfortable flight...!!!

    Send you all my best wishes from Germany....***Destiny***

  10. sneakers are probably the best,  You want something that's comfortable to walk through the airport in, but easy to slip off on the plane.  Running shoes, flip flops, flats all of those will work great. just don't go with heels, you'll be hating yourself by the time you get through security lines andhave to run to catch your plane cause you went to grab something to snack on etc

    Good luck and have fun!

  11. I would wear those slip-on tennyshoes.. that way you can wear socks with them (because my feet always get cold on planes) or you could take them off.. and still wear em in Florida!

  12. slip on vans would be one of the best cause there easy to get off for security, and comfy. but if your worried about going to florida in them, then throw a pair of flip flops in your carry-on bag, or purse.

    for snacks, try something easy to make and healthy. like a bean burrito, made with lowfat cheese. wrap it in foil and take with you.

    or this snack, i take with me on every trip, i just make the night before i go, and put it in a tupperwhere container.

    what you need is:

    . whole grain crackers

    . apple chips

    . a lightly sweetened cereal (like honey nut cheerio's)

    . lightly buttered popcorn

    . and a teaspoon of cinamon

    mix them all in a bowl, and take about two handfulls with you!

    only about 85 calories.

    hope i helped!

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