
What type of string should i use?

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im a big guy, kinda slow, using wilson ncode midsize, POWERFUL forehands, slice serve, pretty good 1handbackhand, and excellent smasher. i can play baseline and net, but just need to practice my volleying.

what kind of string should i use?




  1. Nylon.

  2. The string at your level will only make a small difference.However the tension is important.l don't think the ncode should be too tightly strung.,maybe around 50psi tension.l use a thin string (which breaks often) for greater sensitivity as the ball hits the frame and you generate topspin with out trying.

  3. use polyester... that is what most pros played with when they had to buy their own strings (when they were in the juniors or ranked low without sponsors). Nadal still plays with a poliester string.

    ...Expensive strings perform a little better than normal priced strings in general,  but they do so only for the day you strung your racquet and the next...

    after two days (three at the most) strings decline their responsiveness to the point of becoming worse than cheap but new strings.

      If you do not like polyester, buy regular synthetic gut (Wilson Stamina is pretty good), and if you have an important match or tournament simply play with fresh strings....  Do not buy nylon strings.. they don´t hold the tension very good. And, choose a thin gauge (17 preferably) because your racquet is small.

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