
What type of stuff gets posted in this category?

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What type of stuff gets posted in this category?




  1. I suggest reading the page and you will get an overview of content.

  2. Mostly magical thinking people are asking what something is, or how to acheive super powers.

    People who see anything they can't immediatly explain and jump to the conclusion that its a ghost post thier experiences here.

    Plus people who experience sleep paralysis who have never heard of it come here. (this is quite understandable, as sleep paralysis can be very distrubing)

    And on rare occasions someone brings up some interesting point for discussion related to paranormal activity.

  3. Think of the most unbelievable silly nonsense.If it concerns ghosts,demons,ESP,EVP,OBE,psychics,mediu... clairvoyants anything.Especially telekinesis and superpowers.No matter how ridiculous you think it is.Wait long enough and you'll read someone asking about it here.Worse you'll see answers saying it's possible.A lot of people think myth, mysticism and superstition are science.It's sad and funny at the same time.

  4. I would think questions about ghost, and paranormal activities.  What is Paranormal, I guess things that are beyond normal. Like ESP, Psychic abilities, and things along that line.  I have never personally witnessed ESP or Psychic abilities but who knows.

  5. People that like silent observation, brave  minds and experimentators, sometimes fantasying, but more times staying good on  ground as having large culture - here one can meet supersticious,but curious common people, but also MS in different sciences.

  6. parapsychology is the art of diagnosing one's mental stability while parasailing over the ocean.

    It is really quite a serene yet invigorating experience.

  7. Hang around for a while and you'll see.

    Most every day you can expect something like: Is ESP real? LOL

  8. I would ASSUME that it would have something to do with the mental state of ghosts or people who believe in ghosts....

    "paranormal" means something that can not be explained in normal terms.... e.g. ghosts

  9. You mean the stuff that's posted in Science & Mathematics > Alternative > Parapsychology?

    A lot of stuff that doesn't have the least thing to do with either Science or Mathematics, unfortunately.

  10. In this category, if you don't know the answer you shouldn't even ask the question.

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